The process of diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy involves a combination of tests, physical examinations, and a review of past medical records. To determine the extent or severity of the nerve damage, a comprehensive diagnostic process is necessary for any doctor.
The series of blood tests will help the doctors understand the underlying cause of this condition. These include checking blood sugar levels, vitamin deficiencies, abnormal immune responses, and kidney issues. As for physical examination, the doctor will perform tests to assess the nerve function by checking sensitivity to touch, vibration, and temperature. The patient’s response to muscle reflexes, muscle strength, and coordination, are also examined to confirm the disease. Sometimes, for complex cases, nerve function tests like EMG, and imaging tests like MRI and CT scans are required to be performed.
At Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, the patients will be asked to submit an online application form for a complete medical history review. The form entails comprehensive information about the patient’s health, age, weight, and height, present symptoms, time of onset and progression, pre-existing health disorders, medications, allergies, family history, and other lifestyle factors that need to be mentioned clearly. The thorough details will help our doctors and stem cell specialists identify the factors that contribute to your nerve damage and at the same time, check your eligibility for stem cell treatment.