Stem Cell Treatment and Therapy for Stroke Recovery
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Stem Cell Therapy For
Stroke Recovery

Stem cell therapy for stroke survivors brings a new lease of life with renewed vigor and good health by reversing the stroke effects and regenerating brain cells.

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Stem Cell Therapy

Advanced Stem Cell Solutions for Stroke

Give yourself a fresh start with our cutting-edge stroke recovery regenerative treatments using powerful stem cells collected from human umbilical cord tissue. Stroke leads to adult health impairment in nearly 20-30% of the survivors, making them permanently disabled. Most patients need institutional care continuously after the stroke onset. As per reports from the World Health Organization, nearly 15 million people suffer from stroke, out of which 5 million are afflicted by neurological impairment. Thankfully, advancements in medical science have brought forth the most promising stem cell-based neurological recovery. Book a free consultation with our experts today to learn more about stem cell treatment.


Know More About Post Stroke Recovery

Get detailed information on stroke, its type, causes, effects, risk factors, and how stem cell therapy overcomes post-stroke challenges.

Why People Trust Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute

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20+ Conditions Treated

Our stem cell therapy is a new ray of hope for patients from chronic and life-impacting diseases.

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Experienced Doctors

Get exceptional treatment and care from top-qualified and highly experienced doctors and stem cell specialists.

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Advanced Stem Cell Treatment

We use allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells derived from the umbilical cord to treat complex health conditions.

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1,200+ Satisfied Patients

Our long list of 1,200+ super happy patients reflects our achievements and exceptional results in this field.

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Let’s See What Our Patient Says

Go through the stories of real patients who shared their experiences and found relief with our stem cell treatment.


Medical Research and Articles

Know everything about stem cells and the recent advancements in the field of stem cell research in our latest articles.

How To Treat Diabetic Nephropathy with Stem Cell Therapy

More than one-third of the global population with diabetes type 1 and 2 are at risk of suffering from diabetic nephropathy. Nearly $2.8 billion is the market cost for diabetic nephropathy treatment in 2024. 1 out of 3 people in the US suffer from diabetic nephropathy. Moreover, people with diabetic...

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Frequently Asked Questions

You probably may have questions regarding stem cell therapy for stroke recovery. We’re here to answer them!

Stem cell therapy is a completely safe and reliable treatment solution for stroke with no side effects or zero risks of allergy or immune reactions. Also, mesenchymal stem cells collected from Wharton’s Jelly are rejection-free because these are fresh stem cells derived from the umbilical cord of healthy mothers, following birth.

Stem cell therapy repairs the damaged brain cells and regenerates healthy cells which help the brain regain functions and alleviate symptoms or complications of stroke in patients.

Following healthy lifestyles and taking precautionary measures can help reduce the chances of brain stroke such as controlling blood pressure, losing weight, exercising regularly, checking blood sugar levels, quitting smoking, and controlling alcohol consumption.

The success and effectiveness of stem cells are directly linked to various factors such as initial condition, age of the patients, family history, and duration of the condition.

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Contact Us

For detailed information about potential stem cell therapy for your condition, connect with our health advocate in one easy step. Schedule your consultation today!