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How does Stem Cell Therapy Work to Fix a Torn Rotator Cuff?

Stem cell therapy is a revolutionary approach with proven efficacy in treating orthopedic conditions, including shoulder injuries and rotator cuff tears. The human shoulder comprises a ball-and-socket joint responsible for a tremendous range of motion. The extremities in shoulder movements, such as 360-degree rotation, exert pressure on the joints, tendons, and muscles, resulting in injury. Although pain medications and proper rest can treat minor tears, chronic cases need proper medical attention to avoid long-term difficulties.

Surgery is a conventional treatment for torn rotator cuffs resulting from sports injuries or accidental falls. However, it poses risks of side effects and post-surgery complications. Stem cell therapy is a new and innovative treatment for shoulder pain caused by rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, shoulder arthritis, and others. Let’s discuss how the therapy works, its potential advantages, and post-treatment recovery.

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What is a Rotator Cuff Tear?

Rotator cuff tear is a type of shoulder injury involving a tear in the tissues connecting muscles to bones around the shoulder joint. Common symptoms include intense pain, difficulty moving the shoulder, and progressive weakness in the affected muscles.

Rotator cuff strains are caused by excessive wear and tear over time, acute injury, and overuse. Furthermore, the intensity of the injury might range from mild to severe. Rotator cuff tears are most likely to impact tennis players who serve overhead and anyone experiencing strain or tear after a car accident, fall, or sudden injury.


Advanced Stem Cell Therapy to Fix a Torn Rotator Cuff

Long-term overuse of the shoulder is one of the primary reasons for rotator cuff tears. People at risk for this degenerative injury include athletes and workers in lifting jobs. Stem cell therapy is a promising non-surgical treatment that can repair damaged tissues and enhance the body’s natural healing capabilities.

Stem cells have the unique potential to differentiate into any cell type and promote tissue regeneration. Stem cell therapy for shoulder pain utilizes the regenerative potential of the cells to regrow healthy tissues and replace the damaged tissues in the injured shoulder. It is a novel regenerative approach serving as an effective alternative to shoulder surgeries or other conventional treatments.

Stem cell treatment supports the body’s repair mechanism and promotes healing naturally from within. For example, in the case of rotator cuff tears, stem cells renew healthy cells in the bones and muscles and improve blood flow at the injury site.


Read Also: Healing Power Of Stem Cell Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide


Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain due to Rotator Cuff Tears

Compared to harsher surgical treatments for rotator cuff tears, stem cell therapy is a better alternative as it is minimally invasive with a shorter recovery period. It is, therefore, a safe and viable option for athletes to enhance recovery from the injury. They can regain range of motion and optimize performance through natural healing.

Stem cell therapy is an effective treatment option for rotator cuff tear symptoms and to promote recovery. Injecting stem cells into the affected joints offers numerous benefits.

  • It is a non-surgical and less invasive medical procedure that doesn’t require any incision or cut on the skin.
  • Stem cells repair the damaged tissues and regrow healthy cells, reducing inflammation and pain.
  • Stem cell therapy effectively restores shoulder function and improves its range of motion.
  • Stem cells reduce scar formation and prevent further wear and tear of the cartilage in the affected shoulder.
  • The newly introduced stem cells release growth factors and act on the surrounding tissues to restore a healthy environment for healing.

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Post-treatment recovery

Compared to surgery, cell-based therapy supports faster recovery and reduces downtime. It is an outpatient procedure that doesn’t require prior hospitalization. With restricted shoulder movements, one can resume a normal routine within one or two days of the treatment.

In most cases, doctors recommend physiotherapy to support stem cell treatment. This enables healthy blood flow to the diseased area and promotes faster recovery from the damage. Patients need to attend regular follow-up sessions with the concerned doctors, who inform them about the progress and improvements in their symptoms.

Recovery time may vary from person to person since every individual is different. Some might need more time to heal, while others might return to an everyday and active life sooner. However, one must avoid strenuous activities that might impact the treated area by imposing pressure.

Although stem cell therapy doesn’t require lengthy rehabilitation, patients need time to restore the range of motion and mobility in the treated joints.


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Which is the best institute for stem cell therapy for rotator cuff repair?

Numerous stem cell therapy clinics offer regenerative medicine treatment worldwide for various orthopedic conditions, including rotator cuff tears. Mexico is one of the best places for medical tourism, known for its advanced treatment technologies and robust healthcare system. Moreover, it is home to esteemed medical professionals and stem cell experts, making it easier for patients to access cutting-edge stem cell treatments.

Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a reputed clinic that provides affordable stem cell therapy in Mexico. Patients can get advanced treatments for various medical conditions, including orthopedic injuries, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, fertility issues, and age-related problems.

You can fill out our patient application form or book a consultation with our expert to determine whether you are eligible for stem cell therapy for a rotator cuff tear. Our healthcare professionals have a proven record of successfully treating orthopedic conditions like knee, back, and shoulder pain and rotator cuff tears. Our stem cell center in Mexico ensures smoother recovery of our patients with holistic treatment and compassionate care.


Final thoughts

Stem cell therapy for rotator cuff tears is a novel treatment that utilizes stem cells of the patient’s body or donors to address the pain and inflammation. It is a safe, non-surgical procedure without complications or adverse side effects. Most treatment centers use human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (HUCT-MSCs) to avoid the ordeal of collecting cells from the patient’s bone marrow or adipose tissue. HUCT-MSCs are new cells extracted from the umbilical cords of newborn babies after healthy births, which eliminates the chances of cell rejection.

Stem cell interventions ensure an easy journey of recovery for patients suffering from a torn rotator cuff. They aid in the natural healing of the injured area through tissue repair and regeneration. The therapy shows a path towards a healthier and pain-free tomorrow.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

Stem Cells Vs. Progenitor Cells: A Comparative Study

Researchers focus more on various cell groups and their defining properties in stem cell biology. Regenerative medicine with stem cells aims to revolutionize treatments for various severe and chronic diseases. Alongside stem cells, the term “progenitor cells” is also gaining much interest and curiosity in the medical community.

This article will highlight the technical difference between the two cells and how each contributes to treating diseases.

Table of Contents


What are stem cells?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can develop and multiply into any cell type in the body. The unique ability of stem cells to self-renew and recreate functional tissues has led to its promising applications in cellular therapies.

Stem cells have varying potential for differentiation. For instance, embryonic stem cells and umbilical cord tissue-derived cells are pluripotent, meaning they can differentiate into every cell type. Adult stem cells are multipotent in specific tissues or organs of the human body, such as bone marrow and adipose or fat tissue. Their differentiation potential is limited and specific to their sources of origin.


Read Also: Stem Cell Basics: What They Are And How Do They Work


What are progenitor cells?

Stem cell is a generic or umbrella term referring to all specialized and unspecialized cells capable of self-replicating through cell division. Progenitor cells arise from stem cells and are called their immediate descendants.

Through asymmetric cell divisions, stem cells renew and give rise to tissue-specific cells called progenitors, which differentiate further and multiply into limited numbers.

The primary difference between stem cells and progenitor cells is their differentiation capability. Unlike stem cells, progenitor cells can only differentiate into cells belonging to the same tissue or organ. To put it simply, they are unipotent cells with restricted cell potency. Progenitor cells aim for a final target for cell differentiation and renewal.


Comparison Between Progenitor Cells and Stem Cells

Although progenitor cells are a type of stem cell, they are more specific in their regenerative capability and function. Stem cells have the remarkable potential to differentiate and develop any cell type infinitely and possibly form a whole organ by regenerating tissues. On the contrary, progenitor cells can only grow and self-renew into a specific cell type, thus limiting its applicability in regenerative medicine.

Here is a comprehensive study of both types of cells based on their properties, types, functionalities, and benefits.


Properties of Stem Cells

  • Stem cells are unspecialized cells that self-replicate indefinitely through asymmetric cell division.
  • All stem cells have multilineage differentiation potential, meaning they can form all types of cells in the body.
  • They can repair and regenerate damaged tissues while replenishing dying cells in the diseased area.


Properties of Progenitor Cells

  • Progenitor cells are specialized stem cells specific to a particular tissue or organ.
  • A progenitor cell can differentiate into its “target cell” and, hence, is unipotent.
  • They can divide and self-replicate into a specific cell type a limited number of times.
  • Through restricted cell differentiation, progenitor cells can create more progenitor cells or fully matured differentiated cells.


Types of Stem Cells

Stem cells are classified into four main types based on their collection sources.

  • Adult stem cells
  • Embryonic stem cells
  • Fetal or umbilical cord stem cells
  • Induced pluripotent stem cells


Types of Progenitor Cells

The undifferentiated stem cells transform into mature cells for blood, tissue, or organ development. During the transformation journey, the immature stem cells undergo cell division to give rise to various types of progenitor cells.


  • Neural progenitor cells (cells in the central nervous system)
  • Hematopoietic progenitor cells (blood-forming cells)
  • Pancreatic progenitor cells
  • Endothelial progenitor cells

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Benefits of Stem Cells

When stem cells are introduced into the body through stem cell therapy, the new cells reach the diseased area, repair the injured cells, and act on surrounding cells to help the body heal naturally.

  • Through tissue regeneration, stem cells can potentially treat neurodegenerative diseases, orthopedic injuries, spinal damage, and cardiac and pulmonary disorders.
  • Stem cells have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, effectively treating autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Psoriasis, and Multiple Sclerosis.
  • These cells are used in anti-aging treatment as they can regenerate skin cells and delay the process of aging, defying the frailty of aging.


Benefits of Progenitor Cells

Since progenitor cells can form only a single cell type, they can support cellular repair and maintenance in a specific tissue or organ.

  • Progenitor cells serve as the body’s repair mechanism by replenishing special cells.
  • They are beneficial in ongoing tissue maintenance in the blood, intestinal, nervous systems, and various organs in the body.
  • They help faster recovery and tissue healing by replacing damaged or dead cells.


Read Also: Stem Cell Therapy: Ischemic Stroke Recovery Breakthrough


Therapeutic Applications of Stem Cells and Progenitor Cells

Continued research and advancements in regenerative medicine offered hope to patients with chronic and life-threatening conditions. Stem cells repair and regenerate damaged tissues from disease, injury, or aging. Progenitor cells are being explored alongside stem cells for their potential to treat diseases or injuries.

However, more research is needed to understand better how progenitor cells function on a molecular basis. On the contrary, stem cells have progressed from early research and experimental trials to therapeutic use.


Concluding Thoughts

Stem and progenitor cells are emerging medical research topics due to their unique capacity to differentiate and regenerate cells. Stem cells are currently utilized to provide stem cell therapies to treat patients suffering from various diseases via intravenous infusions or bone marrow transplants Cell-based regenerative treatments assist patients in recovering from diseases through tissue repair and healing.

Moreover, researchers are exploring the possibility of utilizing progenitor cells to generate diverse tissues, including blood vessels, heart valves, and organ-specific cells, for ongoing cell repair and maintenance in the body.

Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a well-established stem cell center in Mexico, known for its cutting-edge treatments and highly qualified medical professionals. If you want to learn more about stem cell therapy and the conditions we treat, schedule a consultation with our experts today.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

An In-depth Look into Stem Cell or Bone Marrow Transplant

A stem cell or bone marrow transplant (BMT) is an established medical procedure for treating life-threatening blood diseases. It is a cellular therapy that replaces damaged blood cells with healthy blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. A patient needs a BMT if the bone marrow stops functioning or doesn’t release enough blood cells due to a disease.

The latest advances in stem cell research and bone marrow transplants have renewed hopes in patients with blood cancer and other non-cancerous blood diseases that affect the bone marrow.

Read further to gain an in-depth understanding of stem cell or bone marrow transplants and how they revolutionize the treatment of blood diseases.

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What is Bone Marrow?

Bone marrow is the soft, spongy tissue that fills the bones’ medullary cavities (hollow centers). It is commonly called the “Blood cell factory” because it releases healthy hematopoietic stem cells into the bloodstream when required.

Hematopoietic stem cells are immature cells that divide and replicate themselves to produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The human body requires these three types of blood-forming cells to function correctly. Red blood cells (RBCs) help circulate oxygen throughout the body and simultaneously take carbon dioxide to the lungs to exhale it.

White Blood Cells (WBCs) strengthen the body’s immune system, helping it fight viral and bacterial infections. Platelets are cells that seal damaged blood vessels and form clots to stop bleeding.


Different Types of Bone Marrow or Stem Cell Transplant

There are primarily two types of bone marrow transplants – autologous and allogeneic.

Autologous Transplant – Patients with blood cancers, such as Leukemia and Lymphoma, undergo intensive chemotherapy or radiation therapy to destroy cancerous cells. Autologous stem cell transplant uses healthy hematopoietic stem cells from the patient’s body to replace the damaged cells in the bone marrow.

Allogeneic Transplant – In an allogeneic stem cell transplant, a patient receives healthy blood-forming cells from another person (donor) to replace damaged cells. The donor’s stem cells are collected and harvested to prepare stem cell injections.


Read Also: Healing Power Of Stem Cell Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide


Sources of Stem Cells For The Bone Marrow Transplant

Depending on the type of transplant a patient chooses, there are three sources to collect and use stem cells in the transplant.

Bone marrow – The stem cells are collected from the donor’s bone marrow for allogeneic stem cell transplants. Bone marrow has a rich supply of stem cells, so cells from the donor’s hip or pelvis bones are collected and concentrated in a clinical laboratory.

Peripheral blood – Stem cells can also be extracted from the donor’s blood after being given shots of growth factors or hormones to increase the production of stem cells in the blood.

Umbilical cord blood – After the birth of babies, the blood left in the umbilical cord is the richest source of hematopoietic stem cells. The cord blood is carefully collected, preserved, and stored for use in bone marrow transplants.

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Why is the Bone Marrow Transplant Done?

Bone marrow transplant (BMT) is necessary to replace the diseased and non-functioning bone marrow. Without healthy bone marrow, the body couldn’t produce enough red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Stem cell or bone marrow transplants might be a treatment alternative for individuals with blood-related medical conditions, including leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, aplastic anemia, neuroblastoma, and plasma cell disorders.

Intensive and high doses of chemotherapy and radiation for cancer treatment destroy cells in the bone marrow. Stem cell transplants are effective in replacing those diseased cells with healthy hematopoietic stem cells and restoring the bone marrow’s functioning.

The newly introduced stem cells reproduce and multiply mature, healthy, cancer-free blood-forming cells, helping the body heal naturally during post-cancer recovery.


How does the transplant work?

The process of stem cell administration or bone marrow transplants typically involves four steps, from stem cell collection to receiving the donor stem cells.


Step 1: Donor Identification – A matched donor is selected and screened before the transplant process begins. HLA type matching is necessary for the receiver through blood testing.

Step 2: Stem cell collection – The medical team will collect stem cells from the matched donor’s bone marrow, a process called bone marrow harvest. Stem cells can also be collected from the donor’s bloodstream after giving daily medication shots to boost stem cell production.

Step 3: Stem cell preparation – The collected stem cells are concentrated in a clinical laboratory with solutions to prepare injections to administer to the patient.

Step 4: Stem cell administration – On this day, the stem cell injection is infused intravenously into the patient’s bloodstream. The process usually takes one hour to complete.

It is important to note that bone marrow transplantation is a complex medical procedure, and sometimes steps may vary, or duration may alter depending on individual treatment protocol or plan. You must consult a reliable stem cell therapy clinic or healthcare team about the transplantation process and what to expect before, during, and after the treatment.


Recovery Process of Bone Marrow Transplant

Post-recovery of a stem cell or bone marrow transplant is long. The body needs time to respond to the newly introduced stem cells and activate the healing process. The recovery period is divided into several stages, starting with continuous monitoring of the health after the transplant to regular follow-ups over the coming months.

Chemotherapy treatments for cancer patients destroy the immune system, making the white blood cells incapable of fighting foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses. Hence, the body is more likely to catch infection. After the bone marrow transplant, you must be extra watchful for any signs of disease. Blood and other immunity tests are often necessary to understand how the body responds to the new stem cells.

The healthcare team of most stem cell therapy hospitals prepares a long-term recovery plan to track the progress of their patients and monitor signs of improvement. Every patient responds to the treatment differently so that the recovery period may vary from person to person.


Related Read: Stem Cell Therapy – A New Approach For Post-cancer Treatment


Outcomes to Expect from the Transplant Process

Two things can help a patient understand if the bone marrow transplant has worked well. First, the complete blood counts (CBC) are back to normal, and second, it puts the cancer into remission.

A complete blood count, or CBC, is a series of blood tests that measure a patient’s hemoglobin level, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hematocrit, cell volumes, etc. Initially, after 1 or 2 weeks of the transplant, these counts will fall, affecting your immune system and putting you at risk of infections and bleeding. With time, if the counts are at their usual and safe level, the stem cell transplant is a success.

As mentioned earlier, bone marrow transplants mainly eliminate cancer cells and help recover post-chemotherapy and radiation. The best possible result one could expect from the treatment is no signs of cancer relapses. Post-transplant care is a crucial part of the recovery, and patients should ensure regular check-ups to prevent any complications after the transplant.


Final Thoughts

A stem cell or bone marrow transplant is a complex medical procedure typically for every patient with concerns. It can be a standard cure for certain blood disorders while putting blood-related cancers into remission.

A bone marrow transplant aims to eliminate the symptoms, provide you relief, and improve your quality of life. It can extend the lifespan of cancer patients by halting the progression of the disease and stimulating the body’s natural healing capacity with the growth of healthy blood cells.

Coping with the transplant is complex, and patients need extensive support from family and friends for faster recovery. Also, choosing a trusted institute for stem cell therapy is necessary to ensure you have access to the best medical team, advanced clinical care, and state-of-the-art treatment facilities.

Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a top clinic for stem cell therapy in Mexico, delivering comprehensive treatment and care. Our doctors’ long-standing expertise, alongside a multidisciplinary team of stem cell specialists, makes us unmatched in the region.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy Vs. Knee Replacement: Which One to Choose?

Around 16% of the world population is grappling with chronic knee pain due to degenerative conditions, overuse, or injury. For decades, knee replacement surgery was the only recourse to restore joint function and improve mobility. However, as time passes, new treatment solutions emerge with the advancements in medical research. As a result of this paradigm shift, innovative alternatives like stem cell therapy came to light. Regenerative treatment with stem cells addresses knee pain effectively, and patients can avoid complex surgical procedures.

Although numerous studies and clinical trials have demonstrated that stem cells can promote cartilage regeneration in affected joints, most patients are skeptical about the efficacy of the process. At the same time, deciding on knee replacement surgery is challenging, considering its invasive nature, high cost, and lengthy rehabilitation. So, how do you decide which treatment is best for you?

This blog post will guide you on both treatment procedures so that you can make an optimal and informed decision.


Table of Contents

  • Overview of Knee Replacement Surgery
  • Pros and Cons of Knee Replacement Surgery
  • Overview of Stem Cell Therapy For Knee Pain
  • Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Therapy For Knee Pain
  • Stem Cell Therapy Vs. Knee Replacement – Which one to choose?
  • Future of Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Knee Pain


Overview of Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement is an invasive surgery that replaces the damaged part of your knee or the entire knee joint with artificial implants. This method has been used for years to treat severe knee arthritis caused by cartilage wear and tear.

The orthopedic surgeon makes an incision on the knee under general or spinal anesthesia to remove the damaged cartilage and bones. The artificial joint, called a prosthesis, is then precisely placed in the same area, restoring knee joint alignment and function. The prosthesis consists of metal, plastic, or both and is secured in place with a press-fit or a specialized material. The incision is then covered.


Pros and Cons of Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery, being an old-age or conventional treatment, has become a standard medical procedure to address severe knee pain and inflammation. However, like every other treatment, this also has some drawbacks. Let’s go through the advantages and disadvantages one by one.


Pros of knee replacement surgery

  • Surgery’s effects can last more than 15 years with proper care and restrictions.
  • It has a high success rate as it can significantly eliminate or decrease knee pain, providing lasting relief to patients.
  • Knee replacement restores joint mobility, and many patients can engage in physical activities that they couldn’t do for years.
  • Patients can regain personal independence and move freely with pain relief and restored mobility.


Cons of knee replacement surgery

  • The surgery is time-consuming, and the patient must stay in the hospital for 4-5 days following surgery.
  • It has a lengthy recovery period, from six weeks to three months.
  • Supportive treatments like physiotherapy are needed to restore strength and mobility.
  • Complete movement restrictions up to 4-6 weeks of surgery, after which one can return to normalcy.
  • There can be wear and tear, dislocation, or loosening of the prosthesis after a specific time.
  • The surgery poses the risks of infection, blood clots, nerve or blood vessel damage, and anesthesia complications.

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Overview of Stem Cell Therapy For Knee Pain

Stem cells are immature and undifferentiated cells in the human body that can develop and multiply into various cell types. Although stem cells are a new treatment, doctors are utilizing their remarkable regenerative capabilities to treat chronic knee pain.

Stem cell therapy for knee pain is a minimally invasive and outpatient procedure and typically does not require general anesthesia. The process involves injecting concentrated stem cell solutions into the patient’s knee to repair damaged tissues and promote cartilage regeneration.


Related Read: Can Stem Cell Therapy Provide Relief From Chronic Knee Pain?


Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Therapy For Knee Pain

One of the primary reasons stem cell therapy is gaining massive popularity as a treatment option for chronic knee pain is because it is less invasive with a minimal recovery period. However, it has certain limitations that compel patients to choose surgery over therapy.


Pros of stem cell therapy for knee pain

  • Simple and quick procedure with minimum pain and discomfort
  • Patients can return home the same day and resume daily activities within 2-3 days.
  • It effectively treats multiple knee joints because stem cells address the root cause of cartilage damage. Healthy stem cells reach all the damaged tissue in the joint and promote natural healing.
  • The process of tissue repair and regeneration starts after a couple of weeks.
  • The newly introduced stem cells continue producing new cells for over a year, improving symptoms.


Cons of stem cell therapy for knee pain

  • The effects of stem cell therapy may last two to three years, after which one might need another round of injections.
  • Cell-based therapies are effective for treating early-stage knee osteoarthritis.
  • Although it is a promising treatment option, it is still relatively new in medical science, and further research is needed to establish its full potential, benefits, and risks.


Stem Cell Therapy Vs. Knee Replacement – Which one to choose?

Here comes the most critical question of our exploration! Though both can effectively address knee pain and restore joint function, the best course of treatment depends on your physical condition and personal preferences. The best thing to do is to allow your physician to take the final call. Your doctor knows your current health condition and medical history and can better understand which procedure suits you.

Both treatments have a high success rate, but you must understand that the rate varies depending on the severity of the knee pain and the patient’s health. Preclinical studies showed that stem cell therapy is effective in treating mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis, with success rates around 70-80%. This regenerative medicine requires more long-term clinical trials and follow-up data to determine its efficacy in addressing severe knee pain.

Knee replacement, on the other hand, is an age-old treatment with a proven track record of high success rates of nearly 90%. However, there are many complications and risks associated with the surgery, making it a less preferred choice for patients. Also, surgery technique, implant type, and patient’s overall health are directly related to its success.

After weighing out the pros and cons of both procedures, it would be justifiable to conclude that stem cell therapy is more suitable for those whose health conditions do not allow for surgery. It is also the best option if you are looking for a natural and sustainable treatment to address pain. Ultimately, the decision will always be personal, based on your situation and the doctor’s opinion.


Future of Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Knee Pain

The rapid progress in stem cell research has led the medical community to consider whether cell-based regenerative treatments will completely replace surgeries. Although it’s too soon to draw any conclusion, the future of stem cell therapy looks promising.

In inflammatory autoimmune conditions, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, injecting stem cells is the better choice because it treats multiple joints. However, surgery is most suitable for severe knee damage due to injury or excessive wear and tear.

One thing is sure: stem cell treatment as an alternative to conventional knee replacement offers patients the opportunity to make a well-informed choice best suited for lasting relief and individual health needs.


Read Also: Healing Power Of Stem Cell Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide


End Note

Stem cell therapy is emerging as an advanced breakthrough in chronic knee pain management. As per the opinions of health advocates, this ultramodern treatment is a boon for patients who want a painless and less invasive method to get relief from pain. The therapy eliminates the intricacies one faces during surgery and in the post-surgery recovery period.

When deciding whether to go for stem cell therapy to alleviate knee pain, your first step is to speak to a healthcare professional. Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, a reputed clinic for stem cell therapy in Mexico, can help you determine whether you are the right candidate. With our state-of-the-art treatment facility and qualified stem cell experts, we can assist you in making the best decision and getting back to your active life.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis: How Does It Work?

Research on stem cell therapy has continued to progress over the past few years, offering millions hope  to fight chronic diseases. In several clinical studies and trials, stem cell treatment has shown promising results for treating various medical conditions, such as orthopedic conditions, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, cardiac problems, muscular dystrophy, and aging.


Stem cells could revolutionize osteoarthritis treatment, providing sustainable relief from symptoms Osteoarthritis patients, particularly those with damaged knees, report that conservative measures like pain medications, exercise, weight loss, and lifestyle changes have been ineffective in reducing pain and discomfort. These treatment options fail to address the root cause and only offer temporary relief. If the condition worsens, knee replacement surgery is the only option.


This blog discusses the therapeutic benefits of stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis treatment, its cost, and the best treatment facility in Mexico.



Table Of Contents:



What is Osteoarthritis?


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common orthopedic condition when the cartilage tissues covering the ends of the bones in the joints start deteriorating. This degenerative joint disorder mainly affects aged individuals because the cartilage continuously wears and tears away. Due to constant cartilage degeneration, the ends of the bones lose their protective cushion-like coverings and start rubbing against each other.


Chronic joint pain, inflammation, swelling, and stiffness are the prominent symptoms of OA, resulting in loss of joint function and mobility. Osteoarthritis primarily affects knee, hip, and shoulder joints. Although a common age-related orthopedic condition, OA can also impact young individuals with a history of joint damage, injury, or surgery.


Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis


Stem cell treatment is a novel regenerative approach to enhance your body’s healing mechanisms from the inside and support cartilage regeneration. Stem cells are unique cells in the human body that can develop into any cell type and duplicate themselves.


Out of all the stem cell types, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) derived from umbilical cord tissue have gained the maximum attention of researchers and healthcare professionals. MSC-based therapy has shown great promise in treating severe inflammatory conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis due to their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.


Human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (HUCT-MSCs) are young cells with high proliferation capacity, ideal for treating various medical conditions. Upon reaching the affected joints, stem cells regenerate healthy cartilage, help alleviate osteoarthritis pain, and restore joint function.


Related Read: Can Stem Cell Therapy Provide Relief From Chronic Knee Pain?


Why Should Osteoarthritis Patients Choose Stem Cell Therapy?


Several studies show that stem cells, when introduced into the injured site, transform into specialized cells to accommodate the needs of the damaged tissues. For instance, stem cells delivered to damaged cartilage in knees differentiate and develop into cartilage tissues. Let’s look at the remarkable benefits stem cell therapy offers OA patients.


      • Natural repair – Stem cell therapy utilizes the renewal and regenerative potential of umbilical cord tissue-derived stem cells to address the underlying cause of OA which affects joints, causing intense knee, hip, or shoulder pain. Its healing mechanisms slow down cartilage degeneration and repair damaged tissues.
      • Immunomodulation – A study on MSC therapy for osteoarthritis treatment indicates that the stem cells regulate the immune response with their immunomodulatory properties, preventing further wear and tear of ends of the bones and improving symptoms in patients.
      • Anti-inflammatory effects – Stem cells release anti-inflammatory factors or cytokines like TGF-β and IL-10, which suppress joint inflammation and reduce pain, enhancing patients’ quality of life.
      • Effectiveness – Various studies testing the efficacy of stem cell therapy concluded that the MSC treatment using cord tissue-derived stem cells offers high efficacy in reducing the severity of Osteoarthritis. Most patients undergoing the procedure have reported tremendous improvement in their joint condition.
      • Safety and feasibility – The treatment of OA utilizing the potential of stem cells showed no prolonged side effects or abnormalities in blood tests or health function indices. Stem cell therapy is, therefore, a safe and reliable treatment option for osteoarthritis patients.
      • Minimally invasive – Stem cell therapy is a non-surgical procedure that has given hope to millions who do not want to experience painful and complicated knee or hip replacement surgeries. Administration of stem cells through intravenous infusions or direct injections into the affected joints is minimally invasive and takes an hour or two to complete.
      • Short recovery period – Unlike surgeries, stem cell treatment is an outpatient procedure requiring less time. The post-treatment recovery period is minimal as patients can typically resume their normal activities within 2-3 days of receiving the injections.


Key Findings of Experts on Stem Cell Research For OA


Discover expert insights on revolutionary stem cell therapy, a pioneering regenerative medicine approach transforming osteoarthritis treatment and care.

      • Phase I/IIa study on Arthritis on a small sample size indicated that mesenchymal stem cells effectively alleviate pain and restore joint function, flexibility, and mobility over a 52-week study.
      • Studies on the Rat model showed that injecting mesenchymal stem cells reduces the histopathological and clinical severity. The reduced release of inflammatory cytokines significantly suppresses inflammation in the affected areas.
      • Meta-analysis and systematic review of stem cell-based therapy showed no signs of adverse events post-treatment, suggesting it to be a safe and reliable treatment option for OA.
      • Another study on mouse models with HUCT-MSCs significantly reduced the severity of the osteoarthritis condition.


Read Also: Healing Power Of Stem Cell Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide


How Much Does Stem Cell Therapy Cost For Osteoarthritis?


The cost of stem cell therapy depends on various factors, such as the location of the treatment facility, types of stem cells, sources of stem cells, dosages, and duration of the treatment. For instance, stem cell therapy in Mexico is cheaper than in other countries such as the United States, Colombia, Singapore, Thailand, etc.


Dosage plays a vital role in determining the cost of the therapy because doctors recommend higher doses for more severe Osteoarthritis. Furthermore, the price varies depending on the procedure of stem cell administration. The cost for site injections, such as knee pain, is usually lower than for intravenous infusions, where cells can circulate throughout the bloodstream.


Best Institute For Advanced Stem Cell Therapy For Osteoarthritis


Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a distinguished clinic for affordable stem cell therapy in Mexico, known for its innovative treatments and highly qualified medical professionals. With a notable presence in Mazatlán, Mexico, the institute strives to make a healthier and brighter tomorrow by revolutionizing the treatment of severe and chronic diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Autism, Crohn’s disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Psoriasis, and many other life-impacting medical conditions.


We understand that every individual is different and hence, we carefully plan a personalized treatment protocol that addresses your unique body’s needs. Our trusted medical team and patient coordinators ensure patients have a safe and comfortable stem cell therapy journey at our reliable stem cell center in Mexico. Book a consultation today with our stem cell therapy expert and start your journey towards healing. Doctor Josemaria Torres Farber specializes in treating arthritis conditions such as knee, hip, or shoulder pain and has successfully treated top athletes worldwide.




The medical community, researchers, and patients have high hopes regarding the therapeutic potential of stem cell therapy for Osteoarthritis. This regenerative medicine treatment offers promising results in alleviating pain, inflammation, and swelling in the joints, potentially avoiding invasive surgeries. Cell-based treatment provides long-term relief and improves the quality of life of patients.


Although research on stem cells for treating osteoarthritis pain is ongoing, the future looks optimistic, given their immense potential to transform the treatment landscape with their regenerative power.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

Is The Process Of Stem Cell Therapy Painful?

Stem cell therapy has gained much attention and interest in the past few decades as a revolutionary approach to treating severe medical conditions and injuries. This path breaking avenue to disease treatment and symptom management offers promising hope to patients with chronic conditions like autoimmune diseases, neurologic disorders, heart problems, infertility issues, and more.


Stem cells’ distinctive properties are utilized in therapy to regenerate or repair damaged tissue and support natural healing. But one question frequently arises and bothers most patients before getting stem cell treatments: whether the process is painful.


This article will explore stem cell therapy basics and discuss what patients can expect during the treatment.


Understanding The Fundamentals Of Stem Cell Therapy

Before grasping the pain aspects and other details of the treatment process, you must understand stem cell therapy by learning the basics behind this groundbreaking regenerative medicine and how it works.


Stem cells are special undifferentiated cells found in the human body, possessing the distinct capabilities to differentiate and transform into any cell type. Cells can be sourced from various body parts like bone marrow, fat or adipose tissue, hip bone, early-stage embryos, and umbilical cord tissue.


Stem cell therapy involves using cells’ unique properties to promote tissue repair and regeneration, which can be used to treat a range of chronic medical conditions.


Read Also: 7 Common Questions By Patients Before First Stem Cell Therapy


How are stem cells harvested?

Cell-based treatment involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s body or a donor and injecting them into the diseased area requiring treatment.

The pain level experienced while harvesting stem cells depends on the sources and methods used for collection. So, let’s get a clearer picture of the cell harvesting process.


  • Bone Marrow – Stem cell extraction from the bone marrow is a somewhat painful experience because it requires inserting a needle into the pelvic bone to collect the stem cells. Most clinics prefer to avoid using this technique because the process is painful and uncomfortable, and fewer cells can be extracted.
  • Adipose or Fat Tissue – A relatively less painful and easy process of stem cell collection and harvesting. Fat cells are obtained from the donor’s or patient’s body through a small liposuction process.
  • Umbilical Cord Tissue (UCT) Mesenchymal stem cells are obtained from umbilical cord tissue from donor sources and don’t cause discomfort during extraction. Following healthy births, the cells are isolated from newborn babies’ umbilical cord tissue (Wharton’s Jelly).

Most stem cell therapy clinics use mesenchymal stem cells of UCTs because they are young cells with high proliferation capacity and multilineage differentiation potential. They can differentiate and develop into any cell type, thus repairing and regenerating tissues in the damaged areas.


Methods of Stem Cell Administration and Pain Associated With Them

Stem cell delivery into the patient’s body can be done through various routes, the most widespread of which is intravenous infusion.

Intravenous delivery

Intravenous infusions are painless, similar to a standard IV procedure. Healthy stem cells are slowly infused into the bloodstream via IV drip. The cells are administered by inserting a thin needle into the blood vein. The method is generally painless and requires one to two hours to complete.


Stem cell injection

In some instances, such as knee pain or shoulder injury, the cells are injected into the affected areas. The pain is mild, as patients might have a slight needle prick or burning sensation at the site of the injection.


Intrathecal (lumbar puncture) procedure

The method allows targeted delivery into the cerebrospinal fluid to reach the central nervous system. Intrathecal administration is mainly used in treating neurodegenerative diseases such as spinal muscular atrophy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, etc. Patients might experience pain at the insertion site, so doctors may use local anesthetics to eliminate pain and discomfort.


It is essential to understand that the pain thresholds of individuals vary. For some, the pain might seem minimal, while others may find the process extremely painful. Hence, every patient must communicate their level of pain tolerance with the medical professionals to ensure adequate pain management measures are implemented during the procedure.


Read Also: Is Stem Cell Therapy A Cure For Neurodegenerative Diseases?


Pain Management Techniques During Stem Cell Treatment

Stem cell therapy centers and healthcare providers understand the pain associated with stem cell therapy and the patient’s concerns. To eliminate pain, doctors might follow any of the pain management strategies below.


  • Local Anesthesia – For processes like intrathecal administration involving needle insertion, local anesthetics are used to numb the area so the patient doesn’t feel pain or discomfort.
  • Pain-relief Medications – When doctors feel a patient’s pain tolerance is low, they can suggest pain medications before or after the procedure to mitigate the pain.
  • Cryotherapy – Cold therapy is also used to provide relief to patients. Applying ice packs on the site of injection helps reduce pain and swelling post-treatment.


Contact Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute For A Safe And Comfortable Experience

At Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, we prioritize patient’s comfort and safety. Our healthcare professionals aim to give our patients a smooth and painless journey of stem cell therapy. We take necessary pain management measures to mitigate pain and ensure comfort.


As a well-established stem cell center in Mexico, we have made great strides in transforming the lives of thousands with our cutting-edge, high-quality stem cell treatments. Connect with our stem cell specialist, Doctor Josemaria Torres Farber, to learn about the stem cell administration process and determine whether you are an eligible candidate.



Stem cell therapy has emerged as a novel therapeutic approach that utilizes the body’s natural healing potential to treat chronic diseases. Using stem cells promotes the healing and regeneration of damaged tissues, potentially evading invasive and expensive surgeries and long-term medications.

Cell-based therapy is a rising avenue for medical treatment, offering hope to millions worldwide. But when it comes to pain, most patients get afraid and cannot decide whether to go for the treatment.

I hope this article is successful in explaining the kind of experience you can expect from the treatment. The level of discomfort and pain varies from person to person, depending on the method of administration and the individual’s pain threshold. However, it can be ascertained that the pain is minimal and tolerable. If a patient feels pain, medications are administered to provide comfort.

Contact the best stem cell therapy hospital in Mexico for a painless and comfortable stem cell therapy experience.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

Can Stem Cell Therapy Help With Rheumatoid Arthritis?

There is a lot of debate and discussion among medical researchers regarding stem cells and their medicinal applications. It is considered helpful for patients suffering from chronic diseases. Many doctors worldwide already use stem cells for treating Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune condition impacting the lives of nearly 54 million individuals in the United States and is the reason for persistent joint pain and inflammation.


Stem cell therapy helps manage chronic pain and slows down the progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis, improving patients’ overall health. This blog post is a comprehensive guide to stem cell therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis and how it works to relieve arthritis pain.


Why are stem cells used in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disorder where the body’s immune system starts attacking its healthy tissues instead of protecting the body from foreign invaders and infections. In RA, the most affected areas are joints in the hands and feet, resulting in inflammation, pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of function.

Although pain-relief medications are available for treating RA, the results are insufficient in the sense they only provide temporary relief. Therefore, introducing stem cells in medical science has brought new hopes to patients. Stem cell therapy is one of the pathbreaking advancements that showed great promise in alleviating the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Now, the question is, “What is so special about stem cells?” Stem cells are undifferentiated cells in the human body, capable of dividing and duplicating themselves. They can differentiate into any particular cell type, such as cartilage, bone, or nerve cell. Stem cell experts and advocates believe that when the cells are delivered into affected areas, they transform to meet the body’s specific needs.

Where do the stem cells come from?

Stem cells can be isolated from various sources, such as bone marrow, fat or adipose tissues, hip bone, and umbilical cord tissue. Because of their high proliferation capacity and multipotency, mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical cord tissue are the most common cell type used in treating rheumatoid arthritis

The process of stem cell collection is termed harvesting. After extracting cells from their sources, they are concentrated and processed in a clinical laboratory to prepare stem cell injections.


Read Also: Healing Power Of Stem Cell Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide 


Who can receive stem cell therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

There are no specific professional guidelines on who can or cannot receive stem cells. The decision rests on the doctors and medical professionals in charge of the treatment.

To ensure the safety of the patients, most doctors consider specific criteria before recommending cell-based therapies to their patients. For instance, they will check your age and weight and other health vitals to see whether you are physically fit for the treatment.

They may also assess your medical history, the severity of the RA symptoms, and the extent of joint damage before giving you a green signal for receiving stem cells.


Healing Mechanism of Stem Cells For Treating RA

With their unique regenerative power, stem cells promote the repair or replacement of damaged tissues in the affected joints. Most often, stem cells are administered to the patient’s body via intravenous infusions. The cells travel through the bloodstream to reach the target areas and start healing.

Rheumatoid Arthritis leads to joint degeneration due to damage or loss of cartilage tissues, bone erosion, and joint deformity. The critical goal of stem cell therapy is to reverse the damage by stimulating the production of healthy cartilage tissues and restoring joint function and mobility.

Regenerative treatment approaches like stem cell-based therapy address Rheumatoid Arthritis by targeting the root cause. Stem cells have immunomodulatory agents that regulate the immune system, preventing the self-immunological attack on its tissues.

The injected stem cells differentiate and form cartilage cells to replace the damaged tissues and aid in developing healthy cartilage. They release growth factors and cytokines that slow cartilage degeneration and prevent further loss or damage. Moreover, stem cells’ anti-inflammatory properties suppress inflammation in the joints and decrease pain.


Benefits of stem cell treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Medical research and studies suggest that using mesenchymal stem cells might be beneficial in addressing the underlying mechanisms causing Rheumatoid Arthritis. Let’s see how this innovative regenerative approach aids in treating RA.


  • Tissue Regeneration – RA is a degenerative disorder, and stem cell therapy could potentially reverse the damage caused to the cartilage tissues in the joints and regenerate new tissues. When MSCs reach the target areas, they signal other cells to stimulate the body’s innate healing process to renew functional cartilage-developing cells.
  • Symptom Relief – Results of a clinical trial on 40 RA patients published on Stem Cells Translational Medicine in 2016 showed significant improvements in their symptoms and joint condition after the therapy.
  • Immune Modulation – Stem cells help restore the immune system response and prevent its attack on the healthy body tissues with the increase in levels of T cells. It reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation by regulating the inflammatory response in the affected joints.
  • Safety – Cell-based regenerative therapies are reported safe in most studies with no long-term side effects. However, there might be mild side effects after receiving stem cells, like nausea or headache, which is very common and nothing to worry about.


Related Read: Effectiveness and Safety Of Stem Cell Therapy For Arthritis


Why Are Stem Cells Better Than Traditional Treatments?

Stem cell therapy offers several advantages over conventional treatments, so most patients suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis are considering this regenerative treatment approach.


  • Stem cell infusions are minimally invasive, painless, and relatively quick.
  • The recovery period is brief, and patients can be up and walking after one to two days.
  • There are no side effects of stem cell therapy, unlike pain-relief medications.
  • Stem cells have minimal rejection risk because the treatment harnesses your cells or young umbilical cord tissue cells.


How to know If I am fit for stem cell therapy?

The best way to know whether you are the right candidate for stem cell treatment is to speak to your healthcare professional or contact a specialist at a stem cell therapy clinic.

The concerned doctor will assess your current symptoms, medical history, and overall health before determining your eligibility for treatment. You can fill up this patient application form to find your if you are a fit candidate.


Stem Cell Center in Mexico

Mexico has been a famous destination for medical tourism, especially when it comes to stem cell therapy. The cutting-edge technology, robust healthcare system, affordable treatments, and presence of skilled and qualified healthcare professionals make Mexico the leading stop for cellular therapies. Hence, it is no surprise that Mexico has some renowned stem cell clinics.

Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a name you can always rely on if you are in Mexico or considering coming to the country for stem cell therapy. Being a recognized institute for stem cell therapy in Mexico, we work to provide patients with high-quality treatments in our state-of-the-art facility.

We use stem cells derived from umbilical cord tissue because research indicates that these are young cells with high therapeutic potential compared to other sources. We follow all the highest safety standard protocols in our therapy procedures to ensure the complete safety of the patients.


Concluding Thoughts

Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis is complex because it is an autoimmune disorder resulting in the degeneration of cartilage tissue due to an overactive immune response. Medical scientists worldwide evaluated stem cell therapy as the most potent regenerative medicine capable of stimulating the body’s natural healing process and treating various medical conditions.

For Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment, stem cells modulate the immune system response and reduce joint pain by suppressing inflammation. With the help of therapy, patients can experience improved joint function and mobility and enjoy a better quality of life.

To know more about stem cells, their therapeutic effects in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis, and the cost of stem cell therapy in Mexico, please schedule a consultation with our medical experts.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy For Parkinson’s Disease: A Novel Hope

Medical scientists have been making continued efforts in stem cell research for years to develop a safe and effective cell-based therapy for Parkinson’s disease. As per the database of the National Institute of Health, a trusted source, Parkinson’s affects 1% of older adults aged 60 years or above in developed nations. This neurological disorder has taken a toll on the quality of elderly individuals by impacting the functioning of the brain.


This article attempts to bring to light the therapeutic innovation in treating Parkinson’s disease using stem cells, its potential benefits, effectiveness, and results of clinical trials. So, let’s dive into the details!


Parkinson’s Disease – A Brief Overview

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that causes damage or death of neurons in specific regions of the brain, impacting the patient’s motor function. Dopamine is a hormone that acts as a messenger and facilitates interactions between nerve cells. This neurotransmitter is produced in the brain by specialized cells and is responsible for primary body functions like movement, memory, speaking, writing, and sleep.


In Parkinson’s disease, the dopamine-producing cells die or get damaged, decreasing dopamine levels. The ability of the brain to send signals to other parts of the body declines, and it loses control over movement, coordination, speech, etc.


A decrease in dopamine level can lead to the following symptoms in a patient –

  • Tremors or uncontrollable shaking in the arms, hands, or legs
  • Stiffness or rigidity in muscles
  • Difficulty in coordination, balance, and walking
  • Bradykinesia or slowness in movements
  • Problems with speech
  • Difficulty in writing
  • Decreased memory power and lack of concentration
  • Irregularity in sleep patterns
  • Bladder and bowel movement problems
  • Dyskinesia or abnormal involuntary movements


About Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease is, indeed, a novel hope because, for ages, there was no cure for this progressive condition. However, researchers and scientists have been researching stem cells and their therapeutic potential in relieving PD patients in the past few years.

Although it remains inconclusive whether cell-based therapy is a definitive cure for PD, research suggests it can help treat PD and significantly slow the progression of the symptoms, improving the patient’s quality of life.

Read on to learn more about the process of stem cell therapy and how it treats PD.

What is stem cell therapy?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells used for preparing regenerative medicine for treating severe medical conditions like Parkinson’s disease. These cells are natural resources found in the human body that can differentiate and develop any cell type to meet your body’s needs.

Sources of stem cells for collection

Cells used in therapy are either collected from donors or the patient’s body to treat a disease. The primary sources are bone marrow, fat tissue, hip bone, and umbilical cord tissue.

Human umbilical cord tissue is considered an excellent source of mesenchymal stem cells because of their ease of collection and abundance supply. Furthermore, pluripotent cells can self-renew and regenerate cells of any type, such as nerve, muscle, bone, joint, skin, and blood cells. The distinct properties of cord tissue-derived stem cells make them ideal for treating Parkinson’s disease.


Related Read: Stem Cell Basics: What They Are And How Do They Work


Science Behind Stem Cells In Treating Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease causes the death of neurons or nerve cells in parts of the brain, and stem cells replace those cells, halting the progression of the disease. Although researchers are studying various approaches to utilizing stem cells for treating PD, the current approach revolves around delivering undifferentiated cells into the affected areas.


The newly introduced stem cells differentiate and transform into dopamine-producing cells on reaching the target area, thereby replacing the dead neurons. Hence, it can increase the level of dopamine and restore the proper functioning of the brain.


Clinical studies on animal models suggest that stem cells have the potential to provide an infinite supply of dopaminergic neurons that are essential in transmitting signals to nerve cells and enabling physical functions.


The three precise mechanisms based on which mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) exert therapeutic effects in reducing symptoms of neurological diseases, including PD, appear to be:


  • First, mesenchymal stem cells produce neurotrophic growth factors that improve the survival rates of neuronal cells.
  • Second, MSCs aid in the healing of damaged tissues and regenerate healthy nerve cells to replace dead neurons.
  • Third, they are rich in immunomodulatory properties that strongly regulate the immune system and prevent neuroinflammation.


Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy For Parkinson’s Disease

Initial preclinical and clinical studies on stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease indicate exciting results. However, stem cell research is still in its exploratory stage and more study is required to determine the long-term efficacy of stem cells in treating PD.


The considerable improvements that patients experience after receiving cellular therapy are:


  • Improved motor function – The repair or replacement of damaged dopaminergic neurons by stem cells helps alleviate the symptoms of PD. It enhances motor behavior, stimulates nerve cell activities, and allows the brain to have better control of voluntary movements.
  • Suppress inflammation – Stem cells are rich in anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are the primary triggers for Parkinson’s disease in older individuals.
  • Regulates immune system – Stem cells help in immune response modulation and stabilize the condition of PD, potentially extending remission or reducing the signs and symptoms of the disease.
  • Relief from tremors – After the therapy, there have been marked improvements in patients regarding reduced tremors and uncontrolled shaking of arms or legs.
  • Improvement in gait – Introducing stem cells into affected parts of the brain stimulates the growth of dopamine-producing cells which helps in improving body movements and better coordination.
  • Postural stability – Most patients receiving stem cells report notable enhancement in posture balance and reduction in rigidity or stiffness in muscles.
  • Reduces Dyskinesia – Abnormal or involuntary movements are one of the distressing symptoms of PD, which stem cells can reduce and help patients get relief.
  • Improvement in speech and writing – Gradually, patients are seen to have better control and power over the jaw and hands, consequently improving speech and writing capabilities.


Clinical Trials And Research Showing Promising Results

Preliminary efficacy data on PD patients indicates that 85% have shown sustained improvement in their motor function and overall condition. Three months after the treatment, there is a noticeable reduction in symptoms and increased stamina or energy levels, strength, coordination, balance, memory, and vision. Another trial revealed a subjective improvement in facial expression, speech capabilities, and gait and decreased freezing episodes.


Multiple studies on animal models and clinical trials on small human groups have been performed to understand the long-term effectiveness of stem cell therapy. So far, the two remarkable results concluded from those studies – improvement in neuron function and stopping the disease progression. Stem cells provide relief to PD patients by alleviating their symptoms by regulating the production of dopamine.


The Journal of Translational Medicine 2019 reported a study in which the human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells were introduced in 10 patients in phase I and IIa clinical trials. The study results show that all the patients experienced a reduction in their PD symptoms and remarkable improvement in motor function.


Although the safety and efficacy of stem cell-based treatments are backed by substantial evidence from scientific studies and reports, patients must seek medical advice from a healthcare professional before getting the treatment.


Read Also: Stem Cell Therapy: A Game-changer For Diabetes Patients


Is Stem Cell Treatment Safe?

Mesenchymal stem cells are used in hundreds of clinical trials, both animal models and humans, because they have an excellent safety profile. The therapy is, therefore, considered safe by scientists and healthcare professionals worldwide.


All the studies indicate no severe or adverse events in patients after stem cell administration. However, it should be ensured that proper treatment protocols and safety procedures are followed during the therapy.


Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a trusted, renowned name for stem cell therapy in Mexico that ensures the highest safety standards in all its procedures. At our clinic, a thorough evaluation of the patient’s current condition, disease severity, and medical history is necessary to determine eligibility and approval for the therapy.


Final Takeaway

Medical experts believe that stem cell therapy is a promising alternative to existing treatments of Parkinson’s disease, such as deep brain stimulation and medications (like dopamine-promoter, anti-tremor, cognitive-enhancer, and anti-depressants). These alternatives have long-term side effects and can impact the quality of life.

Stem cells have the power to naturally increase the level of dopamine in the brain by replacing or repairing damaged nerve cells. The stem cells transform and regenerate dopaminergic neurons and use their innate healing capabilities to improve motor function and reduce tremors, thereby eliminating other symptoms of PD.

Want to know whether you are an ideal candidate for stem cell therapy? Book a consultation and connect with the experienced medical team of Mexico’s best stem cell center. Get rid of Parkinson’s disease and restart your journey toward healthier living with the help of stem cells.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy: A Non-surgical Alternative To Spinal Stenosis

The spine of the human body is responsible for providing structural support, maintaining balance, and helping you walk, move, or twist. It comprises a series of vertebrae (bones), invertebrae discs, soft tissues, joints, and nerves, connecting various parts of the musculoskeletal system. Any injury or damage to the spine can impact the roots of the nerves connecting your internal organs and body parts. This condition is medically termed spinal stenosis.


Stem cell therapy for spinal stenosis is a revolutionary treatment approach that aims to reduce pain, weakness, and numbness by healing the diseased tissue and regenerating healthy tissues. This article will explore the therapeutic potential of cutting-edge stem cell treatment for spinal stenosis.


Table of Contents



Overview of Spinal Stenosis


Spinal stenosis is a medical condition where the spinal canal narrows, leading to increased nerve roots and spinal cord pressure. It can be classified into two types depending on the part of the occurrence in the spine.


  • Cervical Stenosis – Any degenerative changes or damage in the part of the spine in the neck leads to cervical stenosis.
  • Lumbar Stenosis – This condition occurs in the lower back, where the spaces in the spinal canal are in the lower region.


The symptoms vary among individuals depending on the part of the spine affected, the extent of the damage, and the types of nerve damage. In most cases, the common symptoms of spinal stenosis include –


  • Intermittent or consistent pain in the back or neck.
  • Weakness, tingling sensation, and numbness in the arms or legs.
  • Difficulty walking or balancing caused by excess pressure on the spinal cord.
  • Lack of steadiness while bending or turning.
  • Severe cases of cervical spinal stenosis can lead to bowel dysfunction or lack of control over bladder movements.


Various factors are considered potential causes or triggering elements of spinal stenosis, including herniated discs, age-induced wear and tear, spinal cord injuries, and ligament thickening around the spine.


Read Also: Can Stem Cell Therapy Provide Relief From Chronic Knee Pain?


Does Stem Cell Therapy Help In Treating Spinal Stenosis?


Traditional treatments for spinal stenosis include pain medicines, antidepressants, and anti-seizure medicines to ease the debilitating pain caused by damaged nerves. Many healthcare providers recommend steroid injections to suppress inflammation and alleviate pain. However, these conservative treatment approaches can provide relief and comfort up to a specific condition, after which the symptoms recur.


Stem cell-based treatment is a non-surgical intervention where specialized stem cells are introduced into the body to heal the damaged tissues in the affected spine areas. There are various sources from which stem cells are extracted for the therapy, such as bone marrow, adipose or fat tissue in the abdomen, hip bone, and umbilical cord tissue. They are immature multipotent cells that can reproduce and differentiate into specialized cell types to treat diseased tissues in specific organs or parts.


Stem cells treat spinal stenosis in the following ways:


  • Tissue Regeneration – Stem cells, when delivered to the injured part of the spinal canal, replace and repair damaged tissues, promoting tissue regeneration.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties – Mesenchymal stem cells possess anti-inflammatory properties that further help reduce inflammation and pain in the spinal cord, eliminating muscle weakness.
  • Neurotrophic factors – Stem cells stimulate the growth of neurotrophins, which influence the formation of new nerve endings, neural cell survival, and sensory neuron functioning.


Isolated and concentrated mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from human umbilical cord tissue are used in treating spinal stenosis to delay or slow the progression of the symptoms. MSCs have remarkable regenerative characteristics that boost the production of healthy stem cells, enabling the body to repair on its own through cell regeneration. Medical professionals and scientists worldwide use stem cells’ specialized qualities to treat spinal stenosis successfully.


Why To Choose Stem Cell Therapy For Spinal Stenosis Treatment?


Regenerative medicine treatment is the best non-surgical alternative to treat conditions associated with spinal cord injury or damage, such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, vertebral fractures, etc.


The incredible benefits that human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (HUCT-MSCs) in curing spinal stenosis are –


  • Non-invasive and non-surgical procedure – Stem cells are administered intravenously and travel through the bloodstream to reach the impacted region in the spine and start the healing process.
  • Healing at a cellular level – Stem cell intervention is a treatment that occurs at the cellular level. The newly introduced stem cells reach the affected area, repair and regenerate damaged tissues, and also act on the surrounding cells to stimulate the growth of new and healthy cells.
  • Cost-effective treatment – Compared to surgical procedures, stem cell therapy is less expensive and has no additional expenses, such as anesthetic investigations, post-surgery medications, and the cost of caregiver support. Stem cell therapy costs depend on the types of stem cells used and the total number of doses.
  • Long-term relief – Stem cell therapy offers lasting results by repairing worn-out spinal tissues and promoting cell renewal and regeneration in the affected spine region.


Results To Expect After Stem Cell Therapy For Spinal Stenosis


Although the entire stem cell procedure is simple and less time-consuming, many patients have questions like “Is the recovery period difficult?”. The answer is – Not at all! The recovery period for stem cell therapy for spinal stenosis.


You do not need to wait for months to see positive results. Most patients experience visible improvements nearly three to four weeks after receiving stem cells.


  • There is a steady reduction in the pain in the back.
  • Patients regain muscle strength and stability, and difficulties in walking and balancing are not seen anymore.
  • The tingling sensation or numbness in the arms or legs is reduced.
  • There is improved strength and steadiness while bending or turning.
  • Better bowel and bladder control.


Success Rates Of Stem Cell Therapy For Spinal Stenosis


The overall success rate for stem cell treatment for spinal stenosis is around 80%. A clinical study 2017 on stem cell therapy using bone marrow-derived cells indicates a 70% reduction in pain one year after the treatment. Another 2020 study reported that cell-based regenerative medicines resulted in a 60% improvement in the functioning of the spinal cord.


However, patients need to understand that the effectiveness and success rates of the therapy depend on several factors, including –


  • Severity of the spinal stenosis condition
  • Location of the stenosis in the spine
  • Patient’s medical history and pre-existing conditions
  • Types and sources of stem cells used in the therapy


Read Also: Healing Power Of Stem Cell Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide


Future Scope And Challenges of Stem Cell Therapy For Spinal Stenosis


Although stem cell research and treatment approaches have come a long way over the past few decades, more work is still needed to uncover the potential of stem cells to the fullest. Specific challenges still exist that researchers and clinicians need to overcome.


The future looks promising as more and more applications of stem cells are being unveiled. They potentially can treat diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, and other critical health conditions. Primary research and studies have progressed in recent years, leading to new far-reaching therapeutic potential.


Best Institute Of Stem Cell Therapy For Spinal Stenosis


Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, a renowned clinic for stem cell therapy in Mexico, has earned the trust of millions with its cutting-edge treatments and state-of-the-art facilities. Their experienced doctors and stem cell specialists have more than 20+ years of expertise and hands-on experience in administering stem cells to patients suffering from various medical conditions, including spinal stenosis.


If you are interested in stem cell treatment and want to know whether you are a suitable candidate for stem cell therapy, contact us to schedule a one-to-one consultation with our health advocate, Doctor Josemaria Torres Farber.


Wrapping Up


Stem cell therapy is a pathbreaking healthcare innovation capable of transforming the lives of individuals suffering from chronic pain and life-impacting diseases. Degenerative disc diseases and spinal stenosis affect nearly 20% of the older adults in the US who are 60 years or above.


Stem cell therapy offers them a novel hope to get rid of the debilitating pain, immobility, and lack of strength in the spinal cord. It halts the progression of the spinal stenosis symptoms and shields the surrounding cells from getting damaged. Cellular therapy reduces inflammation and repairs the damaged tissues by triggering the body’s natural healing mechanism and targeting the root cause of the pain.


Without thinking further, connect with the stem cell therapy best hospital in Mexico and say goodbye to chronic pain in the spinal cord forever.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

Does Stem Cell Therapy Help In Treating Herniated Disc?

Back pain is a common condition that many individuals experience at some point in their lives. Intense and unbearable back pain can occur due to various reasons such as injuries, strains, sprains, osteoporosis, posture-related disc degeneration, herniated discs, etc. Disc issues are prevalent these days, but there is nothing to worry about. With the proper treatment approach and care, one can easily beat this orthopedic condition and get rid of excruciating pain.


This article will explain herniated disc degeneration, its associated symptoms, and how stem cell therapy can help you heal from this condition. Let’s get started!


Table Of Contents



Anatomy of a Spinal Disc


The spinal cord comprises 24 individual bones called vertebrae; in between these bones are intervertebral discs or spinal discs. These discs are soft cushion-like structures between the vertebrae bones essential for the spine’s normal functioning. These spongy and rubbery cushions provide a range of motion and flexibility to the spine and are also shock absorbers.


The intervertebral discs, which respond to the body’s motion, contain a gel-like substance called nucleus pulposus. This substance is encased in a more rigid and firmer exterior of fibrous cartilage called annulus fibrosus. In healthy spines, the gelatinous fluid, called the nucleus pulposus, settles back to its proper position within the disc after the body returns to its stable stance after responding to motions.


What is a Herniated Disc?


In herniated discs, the nucleus pulposus cannot sit back to its original position in the middle of the disc. This condition occurs due to deformed or displaced spinal discs pushing the gel-like fluid against the annulus wall. A herniated disc, bulging disc, or ruptured disc can occur anywhere along the spine, and its location defines the symptoms’ severity.


When the nearby spinal nerves cannot pass through the spinal canal due to a bulged disc, it pushes the disc fragment outside, causing severe pain and wear and tear of the spinal tissues. Age-related issues and spinal injuries are common causes of a herniated disc or disc degeneration. If left untreated, the disc ruptures or tears can cause chronic back pain, affecting quality of life and mobility.


How Does Stem Cell Treatment Work For Herniated Discs?


Back pain is a common complaint that millions of individuals experience at some point throughout their entire lifetime. Especially older people, overweight individuals, and those with a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to the risks of disc degeneration.


Typical conservative treatment solutions include pain medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, or steroid injections. However, they only offer temporary relief from pain and fail to address the underlying cause of the condition. Surgery is also recommended in cases of severe and intolerable pain, but it has many drawbacks, including prolonged rehabilitation and extended recovery time.


Stem cell therapy for back pain is a modern-age innovative treatment that addresses the pain by regenerating healthy tissue and rebuilding the disc material. Unlike traditional methods, it reduces the symptoms, alleviates pain, and helps the body use its healing mechanism, leading to the growth of healthy tissues in the herniated disc. Stem cell intervention is a revolutionary treatment that has taken the world by storm with its remarkable regenerative power and therapeutic potential.


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What Types of Stem Cells Are Used For Herniated Disc Treatment?


Stem cells are undifferentiated cells extracted from the adult human body or umbilical cord tissue to produce more stem cells. A growing body of evidence in several clinical studies and research indicates that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are the most potent cells. They offer promising results in treating various medical conditions, including herniated discs or disc degenerative disease.


Mesenchymal stem cells found in multiple human body tissues such as bone marrow, fat or adipose tissue, and umbilical cord are multipotent cells capable of differentiating and multiplying into cell types like bone, muscle, cartilage, blood, or nerve cells. Their unique cell differentiation capability, rich anti-antiinflammatory effects, and high immunomodulatory properties make them ideal for regenerative therapies.


Wear and tear or rupture of the intervertebral discs over time is the common cause of back pain and discomfort. When injected into the affected areas, stem cells promote regeneration of the discs’ tissues and provide lasting relief from pain. Stem cells can also be administered through intravenous infusions. MSCs are introduced into the bloodstream, traveling throughout the body to reach the injured or inflamed areas. Intravenous delivery of stem cells promotes systemic and widespread distribution of new and healthy cells and provides patients with comprehensive therapeutic benefits.


Advantages of Using Umbilical Cord-Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells


Human umbilical cord-tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (HUCT-MSCs) are considered a promising source of regenerative medicine treatment due to their supremacy over other types of stem cells in terms of proliferation capacity, differentiation capabilities, tissue repair, and regenerative properties.


  • High proliferation rate – HUCT-MSCs show faster expansion and proliferation rates than bone marrow or adipose tissue-derived stem cells.
  • More considerable differentiation potential – Studies reveal that stem cells isolated from cord tissues possess an extensive and broader differentiation capacity, enabling them to produce any cell type and regenerate a comprehensive range of cells, tissues, or organs.
  • Immunomodulatory properties – HUCT-MSCs aid in regulating the immune system response, which promotes a favorable environment for tissue repair and regeneration.
  • Angiogenic potential – Umbilical cord tissue cells produce proangiogenic factors that support the growth of new blood vessels, facilitating tissue repair and healing.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects – Inflammation caused by herniated discs significantly contributes to back pain, and cord tissue-derived stem cells play a vital role in reducing pain by suppressing inflammation with their potent anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Growth Factors – HUCT-MSCs release various growth factors and paracrine or cytokines that act on surrounding cells, attracting them to the injury site and promoting tissue regeneration.


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Is Stem Cell Therapy The Right Treatment Option For You?


There is no “one-size-fits-all” treatment using stem cells. Your treatment plan for herniated discs will be unique to you, curated carefully by your healthcare providers based on your body’s needs and condition. When you approach a renowned and trusted stem cell therapy institute, they will first determine your eligibility for the treatment. Several factors influence their decision to qualify you as a stem cell candidate, such as age, severity of the condition, current symptoms, medical history, past surgeries, etc.


You can connect with a premier institute for stem cell therapy in Mexico, Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, to know whether your body can receive stem cells. Fill up a patient application form or speak to a health advocate to learn more about stem cell treatment and whether it is the right option for you.



Herniated Disc Post-treatment Care and Follow-Up


Aftercare or post-management care for stem cell therapy for herniated discs is very simple and medication-free. Unlike invasive surgery, recovery time is also minimal, and patients can return to their routine within a week of treatment. However, they should be extra careful with their postures, movements, and physical activities. Sudden movements or jerks can impact the treated disc and reduce the effectiveness of the therapy.


Patients are expected to gradually regain strength and balance in the spinal cord and muscles and might need support in the first one or two days after receiving stem cell injections. Your healthcare provider will also follow up with you regularly, at least for six months after treatment, to track your health progress and monitor improvements.


Final Thoughts


In conclusion, stem cell therapy for back pain or herniated discs represents a breakthrough approach to regenerative medicine. Although research to explore the full potential of stem cells in treating herniated or bulging discs is still ongoing, initial results are promising. The therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells, especially umbilical cord tissue-derived stem cells, hold significant potential in revolutionizing chronic pain management caused by herniated discs and enhancing patients’ overall quality of life.


Do you want to get rid of back pain? Our highly qualified medical professionals can help! Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a leading stem cell center in Mexico, a frontrunner in delivering cutting-edge regenerative medicine therapies to patients worldwide. At our clinic, we have witnessed life-altering healing transformations with cell-based treatment for various conditions, from autoimmune diseases to neurodegenerative disorders, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s diseases, and more. Don’t live your life in pain. Connect with our medical team today to start your journey toward healing.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.