Parkinson's Disease Archives - Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute

Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease – A Complete Treatment Guide

Nearly 500,000 US citizens live with Parkinson’s disease in 2024 but experts claim the numbers have exceeded 1 million.

Stem cell therapy as a regenerative medicine for autoimmune and neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease demonstrates an amazing success rate of more than 80%.

The widespread success, benefits, and safety of stem cell treatment have significantly enhanced the demand for this holistic healthcare choice. The market is expected to showcase a turnover of $19090 million by 2027.

Stem cells have the power to improve a patient’s overall health significantly. Some remarkable benefits of stem cell therapy include improved energy, enhanced symptom management, accelerated cell regeneration, steady immune system modulation, inflammation reduction, and amplified replacement of damaged tissues.

Most importantly, stem cells have highlighted an extraordinary benefit to restoring normal functionalities of patients affected with Parkinson’s disease.


How Severe is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease that reduces the motor and cognitive abilities of the brain and body.

This condition can be categorized as a neurological disorder affecting and killing the dopamine-producer neurons in the brain.

Dopamine, a bodily chemical sends signals to the neurons in the brain to coordinate activities such as mobility and movement of different organs and parts.

The inability to generate this dopamine can restrict the brain from sending signals to eat, walk, and talk.

This disease is predominantly noted in patients above 60 years. Younger people are also affected by Parkinson’s disease due to environmental and genetic elements.

Let us check out the primary causes of Parkinson’s disease –


  • Muscle and limb tremors; uncontrollable shaking
  • Reduced and slowed down motor activities
  • Stiffness of the limbs limiting movement
  • Impaired body balance causes an unstable posture
  • Difficulty with speech
  • Unresponsive bladder and bowel problems
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Sleeping disorder
  • Reduced cognitive capabilities
  • Loss of smelling sense
  • Lowered blood pressure or hypotension
  • Concentration and memory loss


Reduced dopamine in the brain takes away the body’s ability to control voluntary and involuntary actions. Some of the leading causes of Parkinson’s disease involve –

  • Mutated genes such as LRRK2, Alpha-synuclein, Parkin, and PINK1
  • Breathing toxin elements such as asbestos
  • Age
  • Pre-existent brain injuries
  • Inflammation


How Does Stem Cell Therapy Affect Patients with Parkinson’s Disease?

Stem cells can proactively renew the dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. It can proactively distinguish between dynamic cell types.

Studies were conducted on patients with Parkinson’s disease who displayed enhanced mobility of the face, gait, and limbs.

Parkinson’s disease treatment breakthroughs with stem cell solutions utilize mesenchymal stem cells derived from a healthy human umbilical cord (Wharton’s Jelly) to improve the sensory and neurological functions of the body.

Cutting-edge Parkinson’s disease treatment options have progressed dominantly. It has significantly reduced the symptoms of the disease and improved the motor abilities of the patient.


Impact of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Treat Parkinson’s Disease

Innovative Parkinson’s disease treatments include the administration of mesenchymal stem cells based on the condition and health status of the patient.

Clinical experts thoroughly evaluate the eligibility to administer stem cell therapy. Blood tests for abnormal thyroid levels and pre-existing medical conditions are an essential part of this evaluation process.

If qualified, stem cell administration experts outline a transparent and patient-friendly protocol that includes several factors. It maps out the administration process, treatment duration, volume of dosage, number of therapy sessions, and the limitations of post-therapy.

MSCs are introduced to the patient’s body through intravenous injections. Stem cell therapy is a safe and non-invasive technique without any side effects.

It takes 4-5 days to complete the treatment procedure fully.


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What are the Impacts of Stem Cell Therapy for Neurodegenerative Conditions?

Stem cell therapy offers long-term relief from a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases other than Parkinson’s.

Mesenchymal stem cells promote neurotrophic growth factor secretion that improves the neuron lifespan concerning several neuron injury conditions.

Moreover, the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of MSCs promote the healing of wounds, replace damaged cells and tissues, enhance the body’s immunity, and prevent inflammation.

Patients with different conditions such as Alzheimer’s, multiple system atrophy, and motor neuron disease can also be treated with mesenchymal stem cell therapy.


Benefits and Applications of Stem Cell Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

Advanced Parkinson’s disease treatment offers long-term regenerative solutions.

Let us explore in detail the wide array of benefits of treating Parkinson’s disease with effective stem cell therapy –

  • Stem cells actively replace and repair damaged dopamine-generating cells to avoid the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
  • Accelerates the neurogenesis abilities of the body
  • Speeds up the recovery process for dead neuron cells
  • Fixes motor dysfunctions to ensure smooth mobility and reduced symptoms
  • Enhances oxidation of the brain
  • Reduces inflammation of the internal organs and cells
  • Restricts elements and conditions that contribute to the formation of neurodegenerative diseases
  • Improves body balance, functions, and stability
  • Protects the healthy neurons from future damage
  • Minimally invasive, no side effects, long-lasting results, and safe protocol
  • Reduces oxidative stress in the brain
  • Replaces damaged dopamine-production cells to reduce body tremors
  • Improves brain cell functionalities
  • Fixes bodily balance and stabilizes posture that is otherwise affected by cell death from Parkinson’s disease


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Effective Stem Cell Therapy vs. Traditional Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

Stem cell therapy offers a wide range of benefits compared to traditional treatment methods for Parkinson’s disease. Here are some of the noteworthy points to consider –

  • Effective compared to traditional medication such as dopamine agonists
  • Non-invasive stem cell administration compared to surgical strategies like deep brain stimulation where electrodes are invasively introduced into the brain to accelerate the electrical impulses in the affected areas
  • Safer method with minimum to no risks compared to traditional treatment methods with considerable risks to injuries



Stem cell therapy can significantly improve the overall health and quality of lifestyle for Parkinson’s patients.

The innumerable long-term benefits and the regenerative abilities of MSCs can repair damaged tissues, regenerate cells, distinguish between different types of cells, and enhance the dopamine creation within the brain to improve functions.

Moreover, stem cells can eliminate the symptoms and prevent the causes of Parkinson’s disease from resurfacing.

The Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a holistic clinic in Mexico with state-of-the-art technology, the latest tools, and patient-friendly administration techniques offering ideal treatment options for Parkinson’s patients.

Talk to our clinical experts and find the best ways to improve your health and reverse the conditions related to Parkinson’s disease.

American Owned and Operated - Stem Cell Therapy Institute

Stem Cell Therapy For Parkinson’s Disease: A Novel Hope

Medical scientists have been making continued efforts in stem cell research for years to develop a safe and effective cell-based therapy for Parkinson’s disease. As per the database of the National Institute of Health, a trusted source, Parkinson’s affects 1% of older adults aged 60 years or above in developed nations. This neurological disorder has taken a toll on the quality of elderly individuals by impacting the functioning of the brain.


This article attempts to bring to light the therapeutic innovation in treating Parkinson’s disease using stem cells, its potential benefits, effectiveness, and results of clinical trials. So, let’s dive into the details!


Parkinson’s Disease – A Brief Overview

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that causes damage or death of neurons in specific regions of the brain, impacting the patient’s motor function. Dopamine is a hormone that acts as a messenger and facilitates interactions between nerve cells. This neurotransmitter is produced in the brain by specialized cells and is responsible for primary body functions like movement, memory, speaking, writing, and sleep.


In Parkinson’s disease, the dopamine-producing cells die or get damaged, decreasing dopamine levels. The ability of the brain to send signals to other parts of the body declines, and it loses control over movement, coordination, speech, etc.


A decrease in dopamine level can lead to the following symptoms in a patient –

  • Tremors or uncontrollable shaking in the arms, hands, or legs
  • Stiffness or rigidity in muscles
  • Difficulty in coordination, balance, and walking
  • Bradykinesia or slowness in movements
  • Problems with speech
  • Difficulty in writing
  • Decreased memory power and lack of concentration
  • Irregularity in sleep patterns
  • Bladder and bowel movement problems
  • Dyskinesia or abnormal involuntary movements


About Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease is, indeed, a novel hope because, for ages, there was no cure for this progressive condition. However, researchers and scientists have been researching stem cells and their therapeutic potential in relieving PD patients in the past few years.

Although it remains inconclusive whether cell-based therapy is a definitive cure for PD, research suggests it can help treat PD and significantly slow the progression of the symptoms, improving the patient’s quality of life.

Read on to learn more about the process of stem cell therapy and how it treats PD.

What is stem cell therapy?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells used for preparing regenerative medicine for treating severe medical conditions like Parkinson’s disease. These cells are natural resources found in the human body that can differentiate and develop any cell type to meet your body’s needs.

Sources of stem cells for collection

Cells used in therapy are either collected from donors or the patient’s body to treat a disease. The primary sources are bone marrow, fat tissue, hip bone, and umbilical cord tissue.

Human umbilical cord tissue is considered an excellent source of mesenchymal stem cells because of their ease of collection and abundance supply. Furthermore, pluripotent cells can self-renew and regenerate cells of any type, such as nerve, muscle, bone, joint, skin, and blood cells. The distinct properties of cord tissue-derived stem cells make them ideal for treating Parkinson’s disease.


Related Read: Stem Cell Basics: What They Are And How Do They Work


Science Behind Stem Cells In Treating Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease causes the death of neurons or nerve cells in parts of the brain, and stem cells replace those cells, halting the progression of the disease. Although researchers are studying various approaches to utilizing stem cells for treating PD, the current approach revolves around delivering undifferentiated cells into the affected areas.


The newly introduced stem cells differentiate and transform into dopamine-producing cells on reaching the target area, thereby replacing the dead neurons. Hence, it can increase the level of dopamine and restore the proper functioning of the brain.


Clinical studies on animal models suggest that stem cells have the potential to provide an infinite supply of dopaminergic neurons that are essential in transmitting signals to nerve cells and enabling physical functions.


The three precise mechanisms based on which mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) exert therapeutic effects in reducing symptoms of neurological diseases, including PD, appear to be:


  • First, mesenchymal stem cells produce neurotrophic growth factors that improve the survival rates of neuronal cells.
  • Second, MSCs aid in the healing of damaged tissues and regenerate healthy nerve cells to replace dead neurons.
  • Third, they are rich in immunomodulatory properties that strongly regulate the immune system and prevent neuroinflammation.


Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy For Parkinson’s Disease

Initial preclinical and clinical studies on stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease indicate exciting results. However, stem cell research is still in its exploratory stage and more study is required to determine the long-term efficacy of stem cells in treating PD.


The considerable improvements that patients experience after receiving cellular therapy are:


  • Improved motor function – The repair or replacement of damaged dopaminergic neurons by stem cells helps alleviate the symptoms of PD. It enhances motor behavior, stimulates nerve cell activities, and allows the brain to have better control of voluntary movements.
  • Suppress inflammation – Stem cells are rich in anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are the primary triggers for Parkinson’s disease in older individuals.
  • Regulates immune system – Stem cells help in immune response modulation and stabilize the condition of PD, potentially extending remission or reducing the signs and symptoms of the disease.
  • Relief from tremors – After the therapy, there have been marked improvements in patients regarding reduced tremors and uncontrolled shaking of arms or legs.
  • Improvement in gait – Introducing stem cells into affected parts of the brain stimulates the growth of dopamine-producing cells which helps in improving body movements and better coordination.
  • Postural stability – Most patients receiving stem cells report notable enhancement in posture balance and reduction in rigidity or stiffness in muscles.
  • Reduces Dyskinesia – Abnormal or involuntary movements are one of the distressing symptoms of PD, which stem cells can reduce and help patients get relief.
  • Improvement in speech and writing – Gradually, patients are seen to have better control and power over the jaw and hands, consequently improving speech and writing capabilities.


Clinical Trials And Research Showing Promising Results

Preliminary efficacy data on PD patients indicates that 85% have shown sustained improvement in their motor function and overall condition. Three months after the treatment, there is a noticeable reduction in symptoms and increased stamina or energy levels, strength, coordination, balance, memory, and vision. Another trial revealed a subjective improvement in facial expression, speech capabilities, and gait and decreased freezing episodes.


Multiple studies on animal models and clinical trials on small human groups have been performed to understand the long-term effectiveness of stem cell therapy. So far, the two remarkable results concluded from those studies – improvement in neuron function and stopping the disease progression. Stem cells provide relief to PD patients by alleviating their symptoms by regulating the production of dopamine.


The Journal of Translational Medicine 2019 reported a study in which the human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells were introduced in 10 patients in phase I and IIa clinical trials. The study results show that all the patients experienced a reduction in their PD symptoms and remarkable improvement in motor function.


Although the safety and efficacy of stem cell-based treatments are backed by substantial evidence from scientific studies and reports, patients must seek medical advice from a healthcare professional before getting the treatment.


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Is Stem Cell Treatment Safe?

Mesenchymal stem cells are used in hundreds of clinical trials, both animal models and humans, because they have an excellent safety profile. The therapy is, therefore, considered safe by scientists and healthcare professionals worldwide.


All the studies indicate no severe or adverse events in patients after stem cell administration. However, it should be ensured that proper treatment protocols and safety procedures are followed during the therapy.


Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a trusted, renowned name for stem cell therapy in Mexico that ensures the highest safety standards in all its procedures. At our clinic, a thorough evaluation of the patient’s current condition, disease severity, and medical history is necessary to determine eligibility and approval for the therapy.


Final Takeaway

Medical experts believe that stem cell therapy is a promising alternative to existing treatments of Parkinson’s disease, such as deep brain stimulation and medications (like dopamine-promoter, anti-tremor, cognitive-enhancer, and anti-depressants). These alternatives have long-term side effects and can impact the quality of life.

Stem cells have the power to naturally increase the level of dopamine in the brain by replacing or repairing damaged nerve cells. The stem cells transform and regenerate dopaminergic neurons and use their innate healing capabilities to improve motor function and reduce tremors, thereby eliminating other symptoms of PD.

Want to know whether you are an ideal candidate for stem cell therapy? Book a consultation and connect with the experienced medical team of Mexico’s best stem cell center. Get rid of Parkinson’s disease and restart your journey toward healthier living with the help of stem cells.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.