Multiple Sclerosis Archives - Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute

Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis: The Latest Treatment Options

Stem cell therapy has reshaped the healthcare landscape significantly.

Athletes, actors, musicians, and working individuals are praising the benefits and success of this holistic medical approach.

Mesenchymal stem cells have regenerative, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory properties that can reverse the effects and cure several deadly illnesses.

Millions of people around the world have experienced the impact of revolutionary stem cell treatment.

Stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis is a promising therapeutic technique to alleviate pain and suffering.


Signs and Causes of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disorder where the immune system of the body attacks its own central nervous system. Nerve fibers are heavily damaged due to this condition. The protective layer of the nerves, myelin is severely depleted due to MS. It limits the brain from sending signals to different organs of the body.

There are 4 distinct types of multiple sclerosis –

  • Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
  • Secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis
  • Primary-progressive multiple sclerosis
  • Progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis

We will navigate the signs and causes of MS in the following section.



The symptoms of MS include –

  • Difficulty with speech and sensation
  • Breathing and swallowing problems
  • Bodily imbalance
  • High fatigue
  • Spasms of muscles
  • Vision problems
  • Emotional imbalance
  • Memory and attention problems
  • Loss of hearing
  • Sexual problems



Multiple sclerosis develops due to several internal and external factors. However, there are no conclusive reasons why MS affects different individuals in different manners.

Here are the top causes of Multiple Sclerosis –

  • Individuals between 20-40 years of age are at more risk of developing this disease
  • Women are at more risk than men to develop multiple sclerosis
  • Genetic inheritance is a prime cause of this disease
  • People living in temperate zone countries such as Australia and the United States are prone to developing this condition
  • Low Vitamin D in the body
  • Obese individuals are prone to developing MS
  • Smoking cigarettes can develop MS condition


How Does Stem Cell Therapy Treat Multiple Sclerosis?

Allogenic mesenchymal stem cells for treating multiple sclerosis are sourced from Wharton’s Jelly (umbilical cord of infants.) MSCs have powerful cell distinction abilities.

MSCs can slow down the progress of MS while repairing the myelin layer simultaneously.

These stem cells have self-renewing and repairing abilities that curb the inflammatory and immunity reactions within the body.

The stem cell administration process for MS is as follows –

  • Determine the eligibility of the patient for stem cell administration
  • Source the appropriate dosage of mesenchymal stem cells for the therapy
  • Prepare the stem cell solution for the particular individual based on the type of multiple sclerosis
  • Transfusion of the stem cells into the body either intraarticularly or through the intravenous (IV) technique
  • Post-treatment follow-up to closely monitor the response and progress of the patient

The stem cells are introduced into the patient’s body either as intravenous infusions or through perilymphatic injections.


What is the Eligibility of Stem Cell Treatment for MS?

A patient needs to go through several tests before they are considered eligible for stem cell therapy administration. The eligibility factors include –

  • If the patient has relapsing MS
  • If the patient is under 45 years
  • If the patient can move independently
  • If the patient has had MS for less than 10 years

Other eligibility factors to get stem cell therapy include the age of the patient, gender, and the type and severity of multiple sclerosis.

Some of the ideal tests to determine these conditions are imaging tests, blood tests, and electrocardiograms.


Benefits of Stem Cell Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Explore the manifold benefits of treating multiple sclerosis with stem cells –

  • Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells have greater cell multiplicity and regenerative abilities compared to autologous adult stem cells.
  • MSCs sourced from Wharton’s Jelly can regenerate cells within the body 10 times faster compared to adipose or bone marrow stem cells.
  • Multiple administration sessions over 4-5 days.
  • A minimally invasive, non-surgical, and painless administration approach.
  • Completely pure and toxin-free stem cells that are sourced from the umbilical cord of newborn babies.
  • No chance of cell rejection.


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What are the Results of Multiple Sclerosis Treatment with Stem Cells?

Several clinical trials on patients have shown significant improvement and relief from the signs and causes of multiple sclerosis. In most cases, the patients treated with stem cell therapy displayed no results of the disease resurfacing.

Promising results of improvement for patients with multiple sclerosis highlight –

  • modulated and improved immunity system
  • accelerated neuron development and myelin formation
  • cell and neuron regeneration
  • cell differentiation
  • eradicated symptoms of cognitive impairment
  • eliminated underlying causes of the disease
  • proved remyelination
  • enhanced mobility
  • improved energy levels


How Much Does it Cost to Get Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis in Mexico?

There is no fixed cost for a particular condition or treatment option. A variety of factors impact the cost of stem cell treatment in Mexico. These factors are situational and environmental. The volume of dosage, the source of the stem cells, location, administration technique (IA, IM, or IV), and the type of condition determine the cost of the stem cell therapy.



Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is one of the best American-owned and operated clinics in Mazatlán renowned for its safe and innovative stem cell treatment solutions for multiple sclerosis.

We have experienced medical professionals who are certified stem cell administration experts and equipped with the latest infrastructure to provide painless stem cell therapy and improve the overall quality of your lifestyle and health.

Experience quick healing, greater levels of energy, and long-term relief with a personalized treatment approach.

American Owned and Operated - Stem Cell Therapy Institute

The Promise of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Wharton’s Jelly in Treating Multiple Sclerosis

Stem cell therapy has become a beacon of hope for individuals battling chronic and debilitating diseases. Among the myriad conditions that can benefit from this innovative approach, multiple sclerosis (MS) stands out due to the potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from Wharton’s Jelly.

These MSCs offer a groundbreaking path towards managing and possibly reversing the effects of MS, a disease that affects millions worldwide. At the forefront of this revolution is the Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, an American-owned and operated facility committed to providing cutting-edge treatments for patients seeking relief from the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.


Understanding Multiple Sclerosis and Its Impact

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system, leading to a range of symptoms including fatigue, motor weakness, visual disturbances, and cognitive impairment. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, approximately 1 million people in the United States are living with MS. The disease can be unpredictable, with periods of relapse and remission, and in severe cases, it can lead to significant disability.


The Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)

Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent stromal cells capable of differentiating into various cell types, such as bone, cartilage, and fat cells. MSCs derived from Wharton’s Jelly, the gelatinous substance within the umbilical cord, are particularly notable for their high proliferation rate, immunomodulatory properties, and ability to repair damaged tissues. These attributes make them highly suitable for treating autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis.


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Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

Stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis involves using MSCs to modulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and promote the repair of damaged neural tissues. Research and clinical trials have shown promising results, indicating that MSCs can help in managing the symptoms of MS and potentially slowing disease progression.


How MSCs Work in MS Treatment

  1. Immunomodulation: MSCs have the ability to modulate the immune system, reducing the autoimmune response that attacks the myelin sheath in MS patients. This helps in reducing inflammation and preventing further damage to the nervous system.
  2. Neuroprotection: MSCs release neurotrophic factors that support the survival and function of neurons, offering a protective effect against the neurodegenerative aspects of MS.
  3. Tissue Repair and Regeneration: MSCs can differentiate into neural cell types and promote the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. This is crucial for restoring function and alleviating symptoms in MS patients.


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Clinical Evidence and Success Stories

Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of MSCs in treating multiple sclerosis. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation reported that MSC therapy significantly reduced disease activity and improved neurological function in MS patients. Another study in the Journal of Translational Medicine highlighted the long-term benefits of MSC treatment, with patients experiencing sustained remission and improved quality of life.


Stem Cell Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis in Mexico

Mexico has become a popular destination for patients seeking stem cell treatment for multiple sclerosis, due to the availability of advanced medical facilities and experienced healthcare professionals. The Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, with its commitment to high standards of care and cutting-edge technology, offers patients a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. The institute’s American ownership and operation ensure adherence to the highest standards of medical practice, providing patients with confidence in their treatment.


The Treatment Procedure

The procedure for stem cell therapy at the Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute typically involves several key steps:

  1. Patient Assessment: A thorough evaluation of the patient’s medical history, current health status, and specific needs is conducted to determine the suitability for MSC therapy.
  2. Stem Cell Harvesting: MSCs are harvested from Wharton’s Jelly of donated umbilical cords. This process is safe, non-invasive, and ethically sound, ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality stem cells.
  3. Cell Processing and Expansion: The harvested MSCs are processed and expanded in a state-of-the-art laboratory to achieve the necessary cell count for effective treatment. Rigorous quality control measures are in place to ensure the purity, potency, and safety of the cells.
  4. Administration of Stem Cells: MSCs are administered to the patient through intravenous infusion or direct injection into the affected area. The mode of administration depends on the patient’s specific condition and treatment plan.
  5. Post-Treatment Monitoring: Patients are closely monitored following the treatment to assess the response, manage any side effects, and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. Follow-up appointments are crucial for tracking progress and ensuring the best possible outcomes.


Benefits and Outcomes

Stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Reduction in Disease Activity: MSC therapy has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses, leading to improved disease management.
  • Improved Neurological Function: Many patients experience enhanced motor skills, cognitive function, and overall neurological health following MSC treatment.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: By alleviating symptoms and slowing disease progression, stem cell therapy helps patients lead more active and fulfilling lives.


Conclusion: A Future Filled with Hope

The promise of mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton’s Jelly in treating multiple sclerosis is a testament to the advances in regenerative medicine. The Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is dedicated to harnessing this potential to provide life-changing treatments for those afflicted with MS. With ongoing research and clinical trials, the future of stem cell therapy continues to shine brightly, offering hope and healing to patients worldwide.

As the medical community continues to explore and refine these treatments, stem cell therapy stands poised to revolutionize the approach to managing multiple sclerosis, ensuring that patients have access to innovative and effective solutions for a better quality of life.


Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.

Could Stem Cell Therapy Stabilize The Progression Of Multiple Sclerosis?

A small early-stage human trial of stem cell therapy on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients has made doctors hopeful that the treatment may have a long-term beneficial impact. Administering stem cells into the affected parts of the brain in MS patients has been shown to stabilize the condition progression and prevent further damage.

Scientists consider stem cell treatment a groundbreaking innovation that could stall MS progression and offer patients a new hope to lead an everyday life. The clinical trial results are an early promise to curb Multiple Sclerosis. Let’s get into the details of how cell-based therapies revolutionize MS treatment with lasting results.


Table of Contents:


What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune condition that affects the central nervous system. In MS patients, the immune system becomes hyperactive and mistakenly starts attacking the protective covering of the nerves, called the myelin sheath. The nerve damage and inflammation disrupt the transmission of signals between the brain and body, resulting in an inability to carry out simple, day-to-day activities.

Some of the most visible symptoms of MS that affect a patient’s quality of life are:

  • Difficulty in walking, balancing, and coordination
  • Poor vision, blurred or loss of vision, color distortion
  • Muscle stiffness, spasms, and weakness
  • Numbness or loss of sensation in legs and arms
  • Frequent tremors or shaking
  • Difficulty in speaking, eating, and swallowing
  • Problems in bladder and bowel movements
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Problems in sexual activities and function


Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated from human umbilical cord tissue (Wharton’s Jelly) prevent nerve degeneration and inflammation and simultaneously promote the healing of damaged nerves. These stem cells exhibit exceptional immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, which help regulate the over-responsive immune system and prevent further degradation.

Recent advancements in stem cell research have made doctors and scientists hopeful that stem cell therapy could be a potential treatment for chronic neurological disorders, including Multiple Sclerosis. The self-renewing and pluripotent characteristics of MSCs of human umbilical cord tissue make them suitable for cell-based therapy in the brain. These cells migrate to the inflamed nerves in the central nervous system to repair them and halt the symptoms’ progression.


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How do Stem Cells Regrow Myelin and Stabilize MS Progression?

Stem cell treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, specifically the infusion of mesenchymal stem cells, has shown remarkable potential in preventing myelin degradation. Besides repairing nerve damage in the myelin sheath and halting its degeneration, the newly induced MSCs into the central nervous system promote remyelination.

Remyelination is the creation of new myelin sheaths on the demyelinated axons in the central nervous system. It is achieved by propagating oligodendrocyte precursor cells to turn them into myelinating cells called oligodendrocytes. Stem cells supply the cytokines and growth factors necessary for oligodendrocyte cell differentiation and function.

Mesenchymal stem cells differentiate and multiply into neural stem cells upon reaching the target areas, which helps in oligodendrocyte cell production and remyelination.


Primary Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for MS

There is growing evidence in clinical trials and studies that stem cell treatment for MS can significantly improve the patient’s condition with its positive effects. Some notable benefits of stem cells in MS treatment include:

  • MSCs have immunomodulatory properties that help suppress the function and activities of autoreactive T cells, which is the origin of MS development.
  • Stem cell therapy prevents the nerves from damage, reduces inflammation, and protects neurons from immune system attacks.
  • Mesenchymal stem cells repair the damaged myelin sheath and promote remyelination through cell regeneration.
  • Stem cell administration is minimally invasive but requires a longer recovery period.
  •  Patients can resume normal activities within one or two days of receiving stem cells.
  • Stem cell treatment for MS has a significant reduction in the debilitating symptoms of this neurodegenerative condition with overall stabilization.


Success Rate of Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

Preliminary efficacy data and patient-reported data on treating MS using stem cells indicate promising results with a high success rate. 85% of the patients in a clinical trial have reported sustained positive improvements in their condition, including reductions in MS symptoms and neuroinflammation. Although the treatment is considered safe and effective, more research is needed to confirm its efficacy in MS.

The average signs of improvement observed in most patients are improvements in balance, coordination, muscle strength, memory, and vision. Patients also significantly increase their stamina and energy levels, enhancing their physical and sexual activities.


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Cost Of Stem Cell Therapy For Multiple Sclerosis

Usually, stem cell therapies are personalized by the clinics based on the individual body’s needs, so the price differs from patient to patient. Also, the cost of stem cell therapy for MS usually varies by the location of the treatment center.

The key determining factors of stem cell therapy cost are the patient’s current condition, the severity of the disease, pre-therapy investigations, the number of stem cell doses required, etc.

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Best Stem Cell Treatment Center for MS

Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a reputed stem cell therapy facility in Mexico. It is best known for its advanced technologies, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and compassionate medical team.

If you seek affordable stem cell therapy in Mexico, look no further than this institute. Contact their experts to discuss your health concerns and get the best care.


Final Thoughts

In Multiple Sclerosis, the immune system becomes overactive and damages the neurons in the central nervous system’s protective covering (myelin sheath). Stem cell therapy using umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells is a viable and safe treatment option that repairs the damaged nerve cells and enables remyelination, thereby restoring the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Cellular therapy has shown promising outcomes in several clinical trials in stabilizing the progression of MS and improving the patient’s condition.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.