Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Archives - Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute

How To Treat Peripheral Neuropathy with Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy?

More than 38 million people in the US are affected by diabetes.

Surprisingly, 30 million US citizens suffer from neuropathy. This condition affects people more than 50 years of age compared to the younger population.

However, stem cell treatment for neuropathy brings groundbreaking treatment solutions as well.

Mesenchymal stem cells derived from the umbilical cord (Wharton’s Jelly) of newborn babies offer cutting-edge regenerative abilities. Also, MSCs are the most potent cells compared to all other types of stem cells. It has special abilities to distinguish and form different types of cells as required by the body for self-healing.

Stem cell therapy is an advanced and non-surgical treatment method for a wide range of diseases and injuries.

Most importantly, it improves the functioning of the nerves and repairs the related tissues.

Other than this, MSC therapy is an ideal option for all patients due to its minimally invasive technique and fast delivery of results for peripheral and diabetic neuropathy.


What is Peripheral and Diabetic Neuropathy?

Severe damage of the peripheral nerves that leads to weakness and pain in the affected region is called peripheral neuropathy.

Out of the millions of patients with diabetes in the US, 60-70% of the population regardless of type 1 or 2 diabetes are susceptible to suffering from diabetic neuropathy. However, type-2 diabetes patients are at more risk of suffering from peripheral neuropathy.

In this condition, the blood sugar level consistently rises and damages the nerves throughout the body.

Both types of neuropathy affect the nerves surrounding the brain and spinal cord limiting its functionalities and causing degeneration over time.

Also, 50% of the diabetic patients are at the risk of developing foot ulcers. Diabetic neuropathy patients with extreme foot ulcers need to undergo amputation. Nevertheless, stem cell therapy can significantly reduce the condition of foot ulcers and eliminate the chances of surgery.

Primarily, controlling the glycemic levels is a priority for patients with peripheral neuropathy.



The diagnosis method includes several clinical and quantitative tests. Let us briefly navigate the diagnosis conditions for confirming diabetic or peripheral neuropathy –

  • Deficiency of Vitamin B12 in the complete blood count
  • Testing for Haemoglobin A1c
  • Exposure to heavy metals
  • Electrolyte imbalance in the basic or complete metabolic panel
  • Withdrawal to long-term diseases like Lyme disease or HIV
  • Testing for thyroid function
  • Electromyography
  • Biopsy of the nerves
  • Testing for genetics
  • Age
  • Radio imaging tests such as CT or MRI scans


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Symptoms and Causes of Peripheral and Diabetic Neuropathy

Every peripheral nerve has a unique function. The conditional symptoms depend on which type of nerve is affected. Motor, sensory, and autonomic nerves are affected. Furthermore, neuropathy can affect one or more nerves.


  • Segmental demyelination – Degeneration of the myelin sheath (protective nerve layers) leading to inflammation.
  • Wallerian degeneration – Passive but sure wearing down of the nerve axon.
  • Axonal degeneration – This type of degeneration causes trophic changes to the muscles.
  • Numbness or no sensation – Difficulty in sensing physical organs.
  • Sharp and burning sensation – Inflammation leading to constant pain.
  • Weakness of the muscles – Weakened muscles due to weakened nerves.
  • Imbalance of motor abilities – Inability to walk.
  • Intolerance to heat – Excessive sweating regardless of the weather conditions.
  • Hypotension – Reduced blood pressure levels.
  • Gastrointestinal problems – Problems with bowel and digestion.
  • Vision impairment – Inability or reduced ability to see clearly.
  • Uncontrolled reflexes – Sudden actions and responses.
  • Erectile dysfunction – Infertility or inability to sustain an erection required for reproductive activities.


Leading health causes of neuropathy include –



  • Autoimmune disorder – Diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis aggravate the chances of neuropathy.
  • Diabetes – The most common cause of neuropathy due to the unhinged rise of sugar in the blood levels.
  • Genetical disorders – If a person from the family has a history of neuropathy, the chances of their successors developing the same condition are higher.
  • Infections – Viral infections due to Lyme disease or HIV accelerate the development of neuropathy.
  • Abuse of Drugs – Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking can increase the risk of neuropathy.
  • Deficiency of Vitamins – The lack of B12 vitamin increases the chances of peripheral neuropathy.
  • Physical factors – People with high body mass/obesity have higher risks of developing neuropathy of the nerves.


Importance of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neuropathy Treatment

Stem cells are an excellent treatment option for restoring the axonal myelin sheath (protective layers of the nerves, accelerating blood vessel formation, and managing the immune system.

Patients with peripheral neuropathy were treated with mesenchymal stem cells during the subacute period to determine the functions of the nerve-muscle tissues.

This treatment measures the allodynia with a cold plate for a specified timeline.

Once this phase is over, electrophysiological and histopathological tests are performed to check the abilities of the isolated nerve-muscle tissues.

MSCs have cytokines and RNA that promote nerve regeneration and reduce inflammation.

Most importantly, more than 80% of patients treated with stem cell therapy highlight an improvement in their neuropathic conditions.


Benefits of Treating Neuropathy with Stem Cells

Stem cell therapy for neuropathy has the potential to repair damaged nerve cells, differentiate between cell types, and regenerate new cells. This naturally activates the body’s ability to self-heal with neuro-regenerative and protective factors.

Stem cell therapy for peripheral and diabetic neuropathy benefits entail –

  • Recovery of nerve functions
  • Repair of damaged nerves
  • Permanent elimination of nerve damage causes
  • Long-lasting results and quick recovery time
  • Free from cell rejection
  • No chances of allergies due to fresh and toxin-free stem cells sourced from the best-quality human umbilical cord
  • Safest treatment with zero side effects
  • Painless administration method (Non-surgical)

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Mesenchymal stem cells for neuropathy patients help to form new blood vessels and protective sheets of the nerves.

The Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute offers cutting-edge healthcare options for patients with peripheral or diabetic neuropathy.

The wide range of benefits and the quick administration and recovery methods attract patients from all around the world.

We are an American-owned and operated clinic focussing on improving your health and elevating your lifestyle.

Live a life free from the fear of diabetes or neurological disorders with miraculous stem cell therapy for peripheral and diabetic neurology. Connect with our experts now.

American Owned and Operated - Stem Cell Therapy Institute

How To Treat Premature Ovarian Failure with Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy is a promising restorative healthcare practice with beneficial results for infertility cases.

Mesenchymal stem cells are the cornerstone for revolutionary healthcare techniques to treat premature ovarian failure. Sourced from the best-quality human umbilical cord (Wharton’s Jelly), MSCs have restorative, autoimmune, and healing properties.

The cell differentiation ability of MSCs can divide the cells into different types as required for the repair and regeneration of damaged cells.

Moreover, patients with several autoimmune, neurological, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal disabilities resort to stem cell treatment for health improvement.

Stem cell therapy improves hormonal levels, follicular activation, and ovarian angiogenesis, and restores the functionality of ovaries.

Most importantly, stem cell treatment for premature ovarian failure (POF) highlights the occurrence of pregnancy and menstrual cycle in patients.

What is Premature Ovarian Failure?

Premature ovarian failure is also called premature menopause. It affects women less than the age of 40 years. This devastating condition has several underlying clinical impacts on women.

The first and most deadly impact includes incapability for childbearing. Distress, osteoporosis, and infertility are other symptoms of this condition.

In this condition, a woman loses her ovarian abilities completely or partially.

POF is an alarming sign of infertility in women where the ovarian follicles are prematurely destroyed.


What is the Conditional Diagnosis?

Healthcare providers can diagnose POF by applying the following techniques –

  • Pregnancy Test – A pregnancy test to determine if the candidate is eligible to conceive and deliver babies. Also, to determine if the women missed their menstrual cycle or got irregular periods.
  • Physical Exam – Physical tests are conducted to check signs of disorders or diseases that could be present in the female. Addison’s disease is one such example that can be detected with the help of this test.
  • Blood Samples – Blood samples are collected to test for follicle-stimulating hormone, estrogen levels, luteinizing hormone levels, and karyotype tests.
  • Pelvic Ultrasound – A pelvic sonogram test gives an internal view of the woman’s ovaries highlighting unnatural ovary growth or multiple follicles.


Signs and Causes of Premature Ovarian Failure

Multiple symptoms indicate premature ovarian failure in women. The inability to conceive and early menopause are the leading signs. However, let us walk you through the details of the symptoms –



Noteworthy symptoms of POF –

  • Irregular or missed menstrual cycle for 4 months at a stretch
  • Lowered levels of estrogen
  • Enhanced follicle-stimulating hormone levels
  • Trouble and incapability towards pregnancy
  • Reduced sexual drive
  • Mood fluctuations assisted with
  • Disturbed memory and concentration
  • Night sweats
  • Neurological disorders such as disputed cognitive abilities, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and speech loss
  • Estrogen deficiency weakens bone health density


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Top causes of POF –

  • Changes in the Chromosome – Chromosomes contain genes that distinguish the gender of a person at birth. Females have two X chromosomes. However, women with insufficient X chromosomes have one altered type of X chromosome that can be fragile. This condition is fragile X syndrome.
  • Exposure to Toxins – Radiation-based therapies used to treat patients with cancer can induce toxins into the ovary causing insufficiency. Genetic materials in the cells are destroyed due to these strong treatment techniques. Environmental toxins such as chemicals, cigarette smoke, and viruses can lead to POF.
  • Response of the Immune System to Ovarian Tissue – The immune system develops protective proteins that attack the ovary tissue mistakenly. Ovary follicles or eggs are damaged.
  • Unprecedented Factors – Idiopathic diseases that affect a female without any proper source or cause can enhance premature ovarian failure.
  • Lifestyle – Several lifestyle factors such as poor nutritional intake, lack of sleep, excessive use of tobacco, and lack of physical activities can aggravate the condition.


What is the Equivalent Medical Condition for Males?

Infertility issues are not only limited to women but also affect a large number of the male population. Erectile dysfunction is the leading infertility issue in men. It can affect any man regardless of their age. Long-term persistence of this condition can lead to impotence. It physically limits a man’s ability to have sex organ erections.

Erectile dysfunction can lead to a wide range of heart and health diseases such as diabetes. Other than this, leading causes of ED include hypertension, low testosterone levels, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and psychological causes such as stress and depression.

Nevertheless, advanced erectile dysfunction treatments with stem cell therapy provide relief and boost confidence in men significantly.

Here are the benefits of choosing stem cell therapy for POF –

  • Improved tissue and cell regeneration for enhanced blood flow
  • Improves the sensitivity of the sexual organ to enhance performance
  • A minimally invasive and painless administration technique with fast recovery results
  • Best-quality human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells are administered to ensure zero rejection chances


Importance of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Premature Ovarian Failure Treatment

Stem cells can reverse the limited functionalities of the ovarian endocrine system and restore fertility in women.

Mesenchymal stem cells have several therapeutic effects. It can improve the overall functioning of the ovaries and reduce the signs and causes of GC apoptosis. Moreover, mesenchymal stem cell therapy can boost the following for women with premature ovarian failure –

  1. Improves folliculogenesis
  2. Enhances the rate of GC apoptosis
  3. Accelerates vascular formation
  4. Regulates the level of hormones
  5. Improves the chances of pregnancy
  6. Restores the menstrual abilities
  7. Decreases FSH levels
  8. Increases AMH levels
  9. Improves ovarian weight
  10. Ability to differentiate egg cells
  11. Enhance the production of estrogen and progesterone


Results of Stem Cell Therapy

Before we explore the results related to stem cell therapy for premature ovarian failure, let us navigate the administration techniques for stem cells.


Administration Technique

The stem cells are administered applying intravenous (IV) techniques where an injection is introduced in the ovary region. The process takes 4-5 days to complete. However, different administration techniques are followed for different patients depending on their age, weight, and condition.


Treatment Results

POF Treatment results with stem cells include –

  • Improved fertility – Ability to get pregnant and healthy formation of eggs.
  • Enhanced sexual drive – Increased hormonal activities leading to natural sexual capabilities.
  • Regeneration of healthy hormones – Repair, replacement, and regeneration of healthy estrogen.
  • Repaired ovarian tissues – Repaired ovarian follicles and tissues for better functioning.
  • Prevention of infertility causes in the future – Prevents the recurrence of POF in women in the future and ensures a healthy ovarian system.


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MSC Treatment for premature ovarian failure highlights promising results for women who are at the age of conceiving.

Active regeneration of female hormones, ovarian tissues, follicles, and menstrual abilities makes stem cell therapy a popular choice for infertile women.

The Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is an American-owned and operated clinic in Mexico. We offer a holistic and personalized treatment approach for patients with different conditions. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure, certified doctors, and competitive tools make it possible to offer superior-quality surgery-free therapy for POF.

American Owned and Operated - Stem Cell Therapy Institute