Osteoarthritis Archives - Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute

Remarkable Results of Stem Cell Therapy for Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis Treatment

1 out of 3 individuals above 60 years suffer from glenohumeral osteoarthritis or shoulder arthritis.

26 percent of adults above 65 years are suffering from glenohumeral osteoarthritis. This condition mostly affects the elderly.

Glenohumeral osteoarthritis is the degeneration of cartilage in the shoulder joint. This long-term disease negatively impacts the shoulder joint. Symptoms of the disease include pain, immobility, and stiffness.

Several traditional treatment methods can provide relief from the excruciating shoulder pain. Shoulder rest, application of heat packs, pain medications, and physical therapy are conventional treatment options for this condition.

Stem cell therapy is the pinnacle of regenerative medicine for osteoarthritis and orthopedic conditions.

Let’s discuss the innovative treatment methods of stem cell therapy for shoulder pain.


Overview of Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis

The glenohumeral is the primary shoulder ball-and-socket joint. This joint facilitates the free movement of the arms. The synovial fluid helps to stabilize the rotator cuff muscles for better movement. Moreover, it allows several types of motion of the arms including elevation, flexion, extension, and internal and external rotation.

Shoulder joint cartilage breakdown causes glenohumeral osteoarthritis. It exposes the ball and socket joint. This causes friction between the bones and the joint and causes bone spurs. The bone-to-joint friction limits shoulder-related activities.



The top reasons why glenohumeral osteoarthritis develops include –

  • Trauma – Dislocation, fractures, or torn muscles are some types of shoulder injuries that can develop osteoarthritis.
  • Infection – Joint-related infections with negative impacts.
  • Genetics – People with abnormal genes are more likely to pass down such a condition to their predecessors.
  • Inflammation and Aging – Inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or normal signs of aging induce the breakdown of the glenohumeral joint.
  • Other factors – Obesity and sports such as javelin and discuss increase injury risks to the shoulder.


Impact on Life

Pain from shoulder arthritis degrades the quality of life and restricts multiple activities. Problems indicating glenohumeral osteoarthritis are –

  • Severe pain that causes discomfort and sleeping problems.
  • Limited motion of the arm.
  • Crepitus or clicking and snapping sounds of the shoulder due to movement.
  • Depression and anxiety due to constant pain in the shoulder.
  • Risks related to job performance due to limited shoulder abilities.


Conventional Treatment Limitations

Shoulder pain traditional treatment limitations highlight –

  • Temporary pain relief with corticosteroid injections.
  • Chances of kidney injuries or digestive ulcers with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Little or no proof of improvement with dietary supplements.
  • Adverse effects of opioid medications.


Stem Cell Therapy Insights for Treating Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis

Stem cell therapy is a holistic treatment method for healing injuries and diseases. This regenerative medicine promotes self-healing.


Types of Stem Cells Used for Treatment

Different types of stem cells are categorized as multipotent, pluripotent, and totipotent. The most noted types of stem cells are –

  1. Mesenchymal stem cells – MSCs are found in the adipose layers and human umbilical cord tissues (Wharton’s Jelly).
  2. Embryonic stem cells – Human embryo-derived stem cells that can transform into any type of cells.
  3. Hematopoietic stem cells – Adult stem cells with the ability to convert into red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
  4. Induced pluripotent stem cells – A manually reprogrammed adult stem cell to promote cell differentiation.

Stem cells alleviate shoulder pain from different injuries and conditions such as –

  1. Bursitis – Inflammation of the shoulder joints due to the synovial fluid in the sacs.
  2. Myositis – Weakening of the shoulder muscles due to inflammation from this autoimmune disease.
  3. Rotator cuff injuries – Rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, and rotator cuff bursitis.
  4. Frozen shoulder – A painful sensation in the shoulder and neck that restricts movement.
  5. Parsonage-Turner syndrome – Severe shoulder pain due to a rare neurological disorder.


Read Also: How To Manage Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injuries with Stem Cell Therapy?


Role of Wharton’s Jelly-Derived MSCs for Shoulder Osteoarthritis Treatment

Stem cell therapy releases trophic factors. This reduces inflammation and accelerates cartilage regeneration. MSC therapy for glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis helps through –

  • Tissue Regeneration – Transformation into glenohumeral cartilage cells to promote shoulder joint recovery.
  • Inflammation Restriction – MSCs release growth factors such as cytokines and chemokines to enhance joint functions and alleviate shoulder pain by reducing inflammation.
  • Long-Term Healing – Promotes the formation of blood vessels in areas of injury or disease.


Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Arthritis Clinical Reports

Several patients choose stem cell therapy to treat different orthopedic conditions. In this section, we will explore the results of clinical trials and case studies of patients who are successfully treated with stem cells for their reduced shoulder joint abilities.


Clinical Trials

Multiple clinical studies on patients suffering from shoulder pain indicate –

  • MSCs can transform into chondrocytes or cartilage-forming cells.
  • Regulate the immune system.
  • Regenerate damaged cartilage in the shoulder joint.
  • Prevents apoptosis or cell death.
  • Prevents fibrosis.
  • Improves blood supply.


Case Studies

Here are some reports from case studies –

  • Case Study 1 – Chris suffered from two shoulder injuries. However, he was able to move his locked shoulder in a few minutes after the stem cell therapy injection. The patient was fully relieved from pain and immobility within 1 year of stem cell therapy.
  • Case Study 2 – Jonathan had a torn rotator cuff injury but the suggested physiotherapy did not work. They tried stem cell therapy and experienced complete relief from the symptoms of the shoulder injuries. Moreover, their torn rotator cuff healed naturally.
  • Case Study 3 – A 2017 study by the Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Research highlighted that patients who chose stem cell therapy for shoulder arthritis indicated improved joint functions and imaging results after the treatment.


Read Also: How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work to Fix A Torn Rotator Cuff?


Stem Cell Therapy Vs. Traditional Treatment

Let us go through the comparative results for both types of treatment methods –


Differences Stem Cell Therapy Surgery
Recovery Duration The recovery time varies from one patient to another depending on their age, conditional severity, and other illnesses. Some patients highlight pain relief within a few hours of treatment while others can take months to fully recover. Takes up to 2 months to recover from a shoulder osteoarthritis surgery.
Nature of Treatment It is a minimally invasive treatment that is administered through injections. Surgical interventions are always invasive and painful.
Risks of Treatment Negligible side effects of stem cell therapy.

Slight headaches or nausea are experienced by some patients.

Surgeries raise the chances of infections and complications.
Cost of Treatment A cost-effective treatment compared to surgeries. However, the cost of the treatment depends on different factors including the patient’s age, weight, height, gender, and the volume and type of stem cells needed for the therapy. The cost of surgeries is high and includes long-term post-surgical relief medications as well.


Stem Cell Therapy Benefits for Shoulder Pain

Well-recorded benefits of this treatment showcase the following –

  • Complete pain relief from shoulder injuries, osteoarthritis, or tendonitis.
  • MSCs regenerate damaged glenohumeral joint cartilage to improve the functions of the shoulder and arms.
  • MSCs take much less time to administer and patients can experience quick results after the treatment.
  • Stem cell therapy reduces the need for additional drugs and medications.
  • Stem cells can transform into different types of cartilage to promote regeneration.
  • Enhances growth factor release such as cytokines to inhibit inflammation of the joints.
  • A non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment for shoulder arthritis.


Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis Treatment Procedure with Stem Cells

Shoulder arthritis treatment methods are –


Treatment Methods

Different administration methods for stem cell injections include –

  1. Intravenous infusions are introduced through ventricular channels.
  2. Intraarticular injections are applied through a local joint near the affected area.
  3. Intramuscular injections are injected through local muscles.

Stem cells are derived from human umbilical cord tissues and are tested in a clinical setting for maximum efficacy. MSCs are cultivated in a laboratory setting and administered in a clinical setting by certified experts.


Advancements of Stem Cells for Shoulder Joint Pain

Recent advancements in stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis highlight –

  • Glenohumeral cartilage tissue regeneration through chondrocyte differentiation abilities of stem cells.
  • Stem cell therapy reduces inflammation symptoms and improves immune system regulation.
  • Developing stem cell-based drugs to prevent chronic diseases.
  • Exploration for new sources of stem cells is being practiced.
  • Application of nanotechnology to isolate and differentiate stem cells.
  • Creation of stem cell scaffolds with biomaterials such as collagen, fibrin, hyaluronic acid, and gelatin.


Stem Cell Therapy for Other Orthopedic Conditions

Stem cell therapy offers remarkable treatment results for shoulder, knee, and hip osteoarthritis. Results of this treatment indicate –

  • Reduction of pain and inflammation at the affected site.
  • Improvement in tissue reformation to restore joint functions.
  • Stoppage and reversal of arthritic effects.
  • Stem cell therapy for shoulder, knee, and hip pain can improve the sleep cycle for patients.
  • Eliminates the scope of surgery.


Stem Cell Therapy with Other Treatments

Stem cell therapy highlights remarkable results for orthopedic conditions including bone injuries, cartilage defects, ligament, and knee injuries.

Some of the combination methods to cure orthopedic diseases include –

  1. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell combination therapy to reduce knee pain and accelerate cartilage regeneration.
  2. Combination of stem cells with biomaterials such as hyaluronic acid and collagen to stimulate natural regeneration.
  3. Gene editing with stem cells to improve therapeutic strategies and outcomes.



Stem cell therapy has long-term benefits for treating orthopedic conditions. Moreover, it eliminates the chances of hospitalization and costly surgeries. Most importantly, cartilage regeneration is the primary attribute of stem cells in this condition.

Stem cell therapy relieved many patients from the symptoms of glenohumeral osteoarthritis.

The Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a renowned American-owned clinic in Mexico providing personalized care to patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis.

Talk to our certified stem cell doctors for personalized cell-based therapy for shoulder osteoarthritis.

Recreate new moments and live your life to the fullest with complete recovery from stem cell therapy.

American Owned and Operated - Stem Cell Therapy Institute

Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis: How Does It Work?

Research on stem cell therapy has continued to progress over the past few years, offering millions hope  to fight chronic diseases. In several clinical studies and trials, stem cell treatment has shown promising results for treating various medical conditions, such as orthopedic conditions, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, cardiac problems, muscular dystrophy, and aging.


Stem cells could revolutionize osteoarthritis treatment, providing sustainable relief from symptoms Osteoarthritis patients, particularly those with damaged knees, report that conservative measures like pain medications, exercise, weight loss, and lifestyle changes have been ineffective in reducing pain and discomfort. These treatment options fail to address the root cause and only offer temporary relief. If the condition worsens, knee replacement surgery is the only option.


This blog discusses the therapeutic benefits of stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis treatment, its cost, and the best treatment facility in Mexico.



Table Of Contents:



What is Osteoarthritis?


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common orthopedic condition when the cartilage tissues covering the ends of the bones in the joints start deteriorating. This degenerative joint disorder mainly affects aged individuals because the cartilage continuously wears and tears away. Due to constant cartilage degeneration, the ends of the bones lose their protective cushion-like coverings and start rubbing against each other.


Chronic joint pain, inflammation, swelling, and stiffness are the prominent symptoms of OA, resulting in loss of joint function and mobility. Osteoarthritis primarily affects knee, hip, and shoulder joints. Although a common age-related orthopedic condition, OA can also impact young individuals with a history of joint damage, injury, or surgery.


Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis


Stem cell treatment is a novel regenerative approach to enhance your body’s healing mechanisms from the inside and support cartilage regeneration. Stem cells are unique cells in the human body that can develop into any cell type and duplicate themselves.


Out of all the stem cell types, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) derived from umbilical cord tissue have gained the maximum attention of researchers and healthcare professionals. MSC-based therapy has shown great promise in treating severe inflammatory conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis due to their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.


Human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (HUCT-MSCs) are young cells with high proliferation capacity, ideal for treating various medical conditions. Upon reaching the affected joints, stem cells regenerate healthy cartilage, help alleviate osteoarthritis pain, and restore joint function.


Related Read: Can Stem Cell Therapy Provide Relief From Chronic Knee Pain?


Why Should Osteoarthritis Patients Choose Stem Cell Therapy?


Several studies show that stem cells, when introduced into the injured site, transform into specialized cells to accommodate the needs of the damaged tissues. For instance, stem cells delivered to damaged cartilage in knees differentiate and develop into cartilage tissues. Let’s look at the remarkable benefits stem cell therapy offers OA patients.


      • Natural repair – Stem cell therapy utilizes the renewal and regenerative potential of umbilical cord tissue-derived stem cells to address the underlying cause of OA which affects joints, causing intense knee, hip, or shoulder pain. Its healing mechanisms slow down cartilage degeneration and repair damaged tissues.
      • Immunomodulation – A study on MSC therapy for osteoarthritis treatment indicates that the stem cells regulate the immune response with their immunomodulatory properties, preventing further wear and tear of ends of the bones and improving symptoms in patients.
      • Anti-inflammatory effects – Stem cells release anti-inflammatory factors or cytokines like TGF-β and IL-10, which suppress joint inflammation and reduce pain, enhancing patients’ quality of life.
      • Effectiveness – Various studies testing the efficacy of stem cell therapy concluded that the MSC treatment using cord tissue-derived stem cells offers high efficacy in reducing the severity of Osteoarthritis. Most patients undergoing the procedure have reported tremendous improvement in their joint condition.
      • Safety and feasibility – The treatment of OA utilizing the potential of stem cells showed no prolonged side effects or abnormalities in blood tests or health function indices. Stem cell therapy is, therefore, a safe and reliable treatment option for osteoarthritis patients.
      • Minimally invasive – Stem cell therapy is a non-surgical procedure that has given hope to millions who do not want to experience painful and complicated knee or hip replacement surgeries. Administration of stem cells through intravenous infusions or direct injections into the affected joints is minimally invasive and takes an hour or two to complete.
      • Short recovery period – Unlike surgeries, stem cell treatment is an outpatient procedure requiring less time. The post-treatment recovery period is minimal as patients can typically resume their normal activities within 2-3 days of receiving the injections.


Key Findings of Experts on Stem Cell Research For OA


Discover expert insights on revolutionary stem cell therapy, a pioneering regenerative medicine approach transforming osteoarthritis treatment and care.

      • Phase I/IIa study on Arthritis on a small sample size indicated that mesenchymal stem cells effectively alleviate pain and restore joint function, flexibility, and mobility over a 52-week study.
      • Studies on the Rat model showed that injecting mesenchymal stem cells reduces the histopathological and clinical severity. The reduced release of inflammatory cytokines significantly suppresses inflammation in the affected areas.
      • Meta-analysis and systematic review of stem cell-based therapy showed no signs of adverse events post-treatment, suggesting it to be a safe and reliable treatment option for OA.
      • Another study on mouse models with HUCT-MSCs significantly reduced the severity of the osteoarthritis condition.


Read Also: Healing Power Of Stem Cell Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide


How Much Does Stem Cell Therapy Cost For Osteoarthritis?


The cost of stem cell therapy depends on various factors, such as the location of the treatment facility, types of stem cells, sources of stem cells, dosages, and duration of the treatment. For instance, stem cell therapy in Mexico is cheaper than in other countries such as the United States, Colombia, Singapore, Thailand, etc.


Dosage plays a vital role in determining the cost of the therapy because doctors recommend higher doses for more severe Osteoarthritis. Furthermore, the price varies depending on the procedure of stem cell administration. The cost for site injections, such as knee pain, is usually lower than for intravenous infusions, where cells can circulate throughout the bloodstream.


Best Institute For Advanced Stem Cell Therapy For Osteoarthritis


Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a distinguished clinic for affordable stem cell therapy in Mexico, known for its innovative treatments and highly qualified medical professionals. With a notable presence in Mazatlán, Mexico, the institute strives to make a healthier and brighter tomorrow by revolutionizing the treatment of severe and chronic diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Autism, Crohn’s disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Psoriasis, and many other life-impacting medical conditions.


We understand that every individual is different and hence, we carefully plan a personalized treatment protocol that addresses your unique body’s needs. Our trusted medical team and patient coordinators ensure patients have a safe and comfortable stem cell therapy journey at our reliable stem cell center in Mexico. Book a consultation today with our stem cell therapy expert and start your journey towards healing. Doctor Josemaria Torres Farber specializes in treating arthritis conditions such as knee, hip, or shoulder pain and has successfully treated top athletes worldwide.




The medical community, researchers, and patients have high hopes regarding the therapeutic potential of stem cell therapy for Osteoarthritis. This regenerative medicine treatment offers promising results in alleviating pain, inflammation, and swelling in the joints, potentially avoiding invasive surgeries. Cell-based treatment provides long-term relief and improves the quality of life of patients.


Although research on stem cells for treating osteoarthritis pain is ongoing, the future looks optimistic, given their immense potential to transform the treatment landscape with their regenerative power.

Lead a healthier life with our advanced stem cell therapy.